Haven's Watch

Haven's Watch is the name of an organization primarily made up of Kivrian Yashelin people who were either exiled or chose to leave the planet of Aravu after the Aravun Civil War. Haven's Watch began as an informal social group, but became a formal organization in response to their increasing numbers and growing concerns for their safety. The two main missions of Haven's Watch is to protect each other from harm and defend the nation of Haven during times of strife. They are best known in the general population for their dependable, freely accessible travel advisory system.  


Self Preservation

The primary mission of Haven's Watch is to keep each other safe. No matter where a member is on the planet, they are always in contact with the group. As an organization, they are tasked with monitoring conditions throughout the planet. In cases of poor or outright dangerous conditions, they report their findings and warn the others to steer clear or evacuate.  

Protecting Haven

The secondary mission of Haven's Watch is to guard the nation of Haven. Many of the Yashelin exiles live and work in and around Haven already. During emergencies, they often take shelter within its borders. In exchange for shelter and stability not found elsewhere in the region, members of Haven's Watch are expected to contribute their time and labor. At minimum, Ozim Laila expects them to help her monitor Haven's extensive and complex energy barrier, lending their own spiritual energy to it in order to maintain its strength.  


  Before the establishment of Haven's Watch, the Yashelin exiles often lived scattered around the planet of Kivria. Many believed themselves to be alone in their exile. Too many died from being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.   Advances in Kivrian technology eventually made it more possible for them to find each other. Haven, meanwhile, provided everyone with a safe place to congregate and get organized. At first, this aid was available on an individualized basis. The group was purely social.   After the tragic, avoidable death of Brida, however, Ravi brought everyone together and formally founded Haven's Watch. They somehow managed to wrangle as many Kivrian Yashelin exiles as they could find into Haven, and even managed to locate several exiles that hadn't been found previously. At this gathering, the group decided upon their name, their mission, and their duties. They also convinced Ozim Laila to sneak into Aravu and steal massive amounts of technological resources from Aravu, which Areta used to reinvent Vimpads for use on the planet of Kivria.   Ever since the formation of Haven's Watch, not one single member has died despite a few near misses in the past. Their unified nature also allowed them to approach their Aravun counterparts later on, and many reconnected with their loved ones even though not all of them were permitted to return.
Support & Security
Planet of Kivria
Areta Maikir
Ozim Laila
Lulu Shayera


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Aug 21, 2024 02:16 by Marjorie Ariel

Yes, I am somewhat concerned about the mission to steal technology from Aravu.

Aug 21, 2024 03:22

What's a little theft? :p   If you're interested in an explanation about the theft, I forgot about updating this article after I posted a related document (a letter from the thief):

Your Exhausted Scrap Thief
Document | Jul 27, 2024

Aug 22, 2024 03:17 by Marjorie Ariel

Thanks! Adding it to my reading list.

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