Your Exhausted Scrap Thief

A personal letter address to Coran and Petal, which resulted in a reunion between Haven's Watch with their former compatriots on the planet of Aravu.  


Before first contact, the Kivrian Yashelin depended almost entirely upon the exploits of a notorious thief of mostly inconsequential items for their Aravun resources. Fabric was her primary target at first, but she started stealing other items after the foundation of Haven's Watch.   The identity of the thief became a major subject of debate for months prior to the letter's final delivery. The thief had struck again, this time stealing a load of vimpads and other items along the way. People were livid. They demanded answers. Answers that no one had, since no one had ever spied the thief in action.   Except for Areta Maikir, who found the controversy infinitely amusing when Uri told ver about it. When ve reported the gossip back home, they took advantage of this opportunity to request medical assistance.   The thief wrote a personalized letter to Coran and Petal which she deposited in an appropriately ridiculous location: atop one of the Peli Flock's fabric recycling bins.   Coran immediately sent it to the Ezekoru for review.  


Ezekoru's Reactions

The Ezekoru convened that night to discuss the note. Ultimately, and with the Ida's apparent blessing, they immediately established first contact with Haven's Watch. Rather than send a doctor, they sent the safest option: Uri.
"Do you have any idea what might've happened?!" Ae growls, a step away from fury if aer body had the air for it. "How lucky we are? Areta, are you trying to be damned by the Ida thrice?!"   "It's out of my hands, Uri!" Areta pleads. "It's not up to us, in the end. It's up to them."
  The identity of the thief was ultimately deduced, but not with certainty. The Ezekoru decided to maintain the thief's anonymity.  
“Whoever meets with this Haven's Watch next, send them a message from me," Coran instructs. "Tell 'the thief' that it's hardly thievery if I've been giving 'them' permission for years, but sure. If they stop stealing from everyone else, they can steal my stupid scraps.”

The Ida's Official Reactions

"No exiles escaped. Rather, I added a loophole," Ezeki-pretending-to-be-the Ida laughs, but not unkindly, “those who belonged neither here nor there were sent to Kivria. That is all."   'I didn’t, Ezeki. You’re lying to them.’   ‘They’ll believe it, though, and Uri will love you for it. I promise. Might as well be true, it’s as good a reason as any if you don't have one.’   ‘That’s not how the truth works!’   ‘Yeah, yeah. What’s the truth got to do with storytelling, anyway? You said you'd let me handle it, so shush.’   The Ida does not respond, off-kilter.   "The Ezekoru may contact these Kivria-bound Yashelin as you all see fit. Take care. Remember that you exiled them for a reason.”

Public Reaction

At first, the public reaction on Aravu was surprisingly mild. Some even had the audacity to grumble that the Ezekoru failed to identify the thief positively. In that crack of attention, more important work was finished without delay.  


Haven's Watch not only received the healthcare they had so desired. They also had their rights to Aravu mostly reinstated.
Written letter
Paper and ink from a shaky fountain pen
Document Author
Once anonymous, controversially attributed to either Ozim Laila or Lulu Shayera until confirmed later as Oz.
All members of Haven's Watch approved of the letter beforehand.


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Aug 21, 2024 04:00

Interesting article. It got me to click onward and read other articles to understand it better.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.
Aug 25, 2024 01:55

Thanks and glad to hear it! :)

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