Ju'ad System

The home system and seat of the Judari Empire, the Ju'ad System is the center point of a brutal conflict between Union and contesting local powers. Orbiting the star of Ju'ad, the system has 7 notable orbiting bodies:
  • Vaskus, a small sun-scorched world rich in valuable gasses and minerals
  • Rakhar, home world and seat of the Judari Empire
  • Lalath, the first colony world of the Judari Empire
  • Holtan, a verdant continental world with a number of orbiting space colonies
  • The Shakas Ring, an asteroid belt stocked with rare minerals used to make large scale printers
  • Atai, an ice world that houses both Judari and Union laboratories
  • Ufan, a gas giant and home to a massive orbital mining rig
  Existing on the edge of the Karrakin Baronies, the Ju'ad system has had access to advanced mining equipment for thousands of years, allowing a small, local power to expand to the surrounding planets within only a few hundred years.
Ju'ad System
The home of the interplanetary Judari Empire, and the scene of a brutal civil war.
Solar System
Included Locations


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