The Daily Doctrine, June 12th 5044

Tenepan Civil War Continues to Rage

By Gya Defenderfer
06/12/5044, 12:53 PM
Tenep City   Today marks the 18th month of armed conflict in the Tenepos Islands between armies loyal to house Vi'Qada and insurgent refugee forces backed by the remanants of House Vi'Tara. The beginnings of the conflict were seeded nearly a decade ago, after House Vi'Tara was forced out of their homeland of Saularia by insurgent forces, seeking to usurp control. While House Vi'Qada had initially welcomed their Imperial neighbors with open arms, refusal by house Vi'Tara to assimilate to the local religion eventually boiled into armed conflict. While the Vi'Taran refugees had spent the majority of the conflict forcing the inhabitants out and pushing northward, this month saw the first real turn of fortunes as Vi'Qada forces were able to recapture all of the northern islands, and most of the central islands, and gaining footholds in Laras, Hidim and Tenep for the first time since the conflict begain. Despite initial setbacks, Major Imma Trevathan, commander of the Vi'Qada reclamation force, was quoted as saying that this new uptick in progress is a "clear sign of Olorun's favor," and that she expects their reclamation efforts to continue apace.

Banners Fly High for Karrakin Parades

While the world still reels from the May 20th tragedy, the streets in Kadonia, captial of Illidra, are filled with color and cheer while the House of Banners held parades all throughout the week last week. Koray Svancara IV, one of the potential heirs of the Karrakin house, was reported as saying that the event was held to "remind the people of Illidra, and all of Holtan, why they should be proud of their nation, of the Karrakin Trade Baronies, and of Union," and that the parades "act as evidence that no act of terror can cow the indomnitable might of the human spirit." Despite the apparent success of the event on popular morale, reports from the Union Economic Bureau suggest that these parades, which involved multiple specific 'artifcact' mechanized chassis and armored vehicles be delivered, was one of the most expensive in the House of Banners' history.

Vi'Naad Forces Mobilize Along Hakaran Border

House Vi'Naad, ruling Imperial house over the territory of Naadi, has begun a mass mobilization of troops and vehicles along their border with the recently-unified League of Hakara. Halsta Vi'Naad, head of House Vi'Naad, has released a statement assuring that the troop movements are only part of a large-scale miltary exercise, and are unrelated to the May 20th events or the rumor of rising tensions since that day.  

Tidal Waves Wash out Coasts along Tchakoni

Multiple nations along the southern border of the Caldaraan Confederation and their neighbors across the Tchakoni Ocean have experienced continuing severe tidal activity following the events of May 20th, causing sea levels to rise as much as 2 inches in some areas. Economic activity in many costal regions has stagnated as local governments compete for the attentions of global outreach programs operated by the Caldaraan Confederation, the Congregation of Olorun and Union.  

Are Home Printers Ruining Your Productivity?

In a recent study conducted by the Skanian National Research Institute may suggest that small business owners and independent workers with access to hand printers, personal-use printers or community printers are 4.13% less productive on average than industries that rely on manual manufacturing, working fewer hours and spending a smaller portion of active work time being productive. Of the over 200 businesses that opted in for the study, 96% saw a measurable decrease in active employee hours when given greater access to printing technology, while 18% reported reducing business hours across the company. Full story under Business.


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