Fri, Jul 19th 2024 06:09   Edited on Sun, Jul 21st 2024 12:15

Goodwill Offer

Though House Vi'Naad aggressed against us in this war, the League of Hakara recognizes the difficult situation our neighbors have been put in by the outset of hostilities. Thus, we would offer an assurance that we wish for continued cooperation with your nation. Our navy will cease operations within a limit 80 kilometers beyond your territorial waters, well into international waters. In exchange, we wish to have lowered tariffs for Hakara-flagged vessels using the orbital elevator in Akosi. We will, of course, offer tariff-free travel through the Linnead Cosmodrome in return, should any from your nation wish to make use of it.   We hope that this deal can put any anxieties about our intentions to bed. May our nations prosper together,   Princess Emilena Vi'Saan
Sat, Jul 20th 2024 08:00

Greetings, Princess Emilena,     I am quite pleased and relieved to have received this offer of goodwill. However, I have a counter-proposal I believe more pressing. With the attack of Skania on New Skani, the member states of the T'Waran Weave might be entering into conflict ourselves. It is my hope that with the threat of this coalition entering the conflict, Skania will back down, but in the event it does not, I would like to propose a more direct trade of simply staying the proposed 80km out of each other's waters and air space and altogether out of each other's conflicts. If Skania does concede, we can revisit this.     If a trade of a more economic nature is still desired, I would be happy to loop in our respective financial advisors to hammer out any details. I am afraid I have little head for the nuances of macroeconomics and must consult with them first. That said, despite our ideological differences, I would like to see our respective nations on good terms with each other and trade sounds like an excellent avenue towards that end.     -Senator Josefine Sannin
Sun, Jul 21st 2024 12:15

Senator,   This deal is acceptable. Furthermore, the League will pledge to not become involved in whatever conflict may arise in Skania; we have no wish to interfere with Weave business.   We can speak in the coming months about economic matters, we'll see what our number crunchers come up with.   -Princess Emilena Vi'Saan