Vallaki Settlement in Barovia | World Anvil
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"Once inside, the mention of the name "Strahd" is strictly illegal, even in written form. Know that even now as I say the name, it is the last time you will hear it within the gates. Instead, if you must refer to the aforementioned individual, you will refer to him simply as, "The Devil." - Vallaki Guard
For the village that has kept Strahd at bay for over 100 years, it is not much to look at. The laws of Barovia are strict, making it illegal to speak Strahd's name and mandatory attendance to the weekly festivals are so far the most obvious rules. However, you have seen the people of Vallaki smiling, though few seem genuine. After all a happy population will keep the devil away, at least that is according to Baron Vargas.    
"This noble town holds a festival each week in honor of the resident's general merriment and continued support of the Burgomaster, Baron Vargas Vallakovich. As guests of Vallaki, you will not be required to aid in the preparation for our festivals. However, your attendance and participation in each and every festival is absolutely mandatory for the length of your stay. Failure to attend will be in strict opposition to Vallakian law. The next great Vallakian festival, the Festival of the Blazing Sun, will be held in three days time in the town square." - Vallaki Guard


15-foot-high wooden Palisades   Guards (number unknown)   Happiness (???)
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