Morgantha the Hag Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Morgantha the Hag

Morgantha (a.k.a. Granny)

You met Granny in the Village of Barovia selling these pastries called "Dream Pies." According to Granny, these pies grant pleasant dreams and gave you one for free to try. While it was incredibly delicious, and it did provide good dreams, the pie also seemed to have some addictive properties.   A day later you came across the Hags of the Windmill who had been kidnapping children and turning them into these Dream Pies. You killed the two hags but had no idea where Granny is.   Recently, you began to have nightmares that have directly affected your constitution, reducing some of your vitality. However, thanks to your encounter with the Cold Presence you learned that these dreams were originating from a monstrous blue figure. You asked Count Strahd what this creature might be who revealed that it was none other than Granny, even identifying her by her real name Morgantha.  
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