Vaund, the Evasive Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Vaund, the Evasive

You were in the middle of another nightmare created by Morgantha the Hag when this entity revealed itself. Severing the connection the Hag had on you preventing her from stealing more of your life force, this Presence seemed to grant you control over the shadows in the dream allowing you to alter the dream you were in. It then allowed you to glimpse into the Ethereal Plane, revealing the Hag as your source of torment.   Since that night you have felt a small cold nugget in the center of your chest, signaling the connection you have with this entity. While it seems to be unable to communicate with you directly, it can send general feelings or emotions to you to convey what it wants to you. While your connection with this presence is rather recent, it does appear that it wishes to help you. Even seeming disappointed you didn't ask it for help during your fight against Wintersplinter.   As time progressed, your connection with with the entity grew, allowing it to communicate with you and revealed its name to be Vaund, the Evasive. As the connection grew, he enhanced your stealth capabilities, and allowed you to channel necrotic energy to your attacks. Vaund promised that as you continued strengthing your connection with it, he would be able to help you hide from and defeat the    During your fight with Baba Lysaga, Witch of the Swamp and autonomous hut, you asked Vaund for help in this dangerous fight. Almost immediately, you felt a surge of power and felt every one of your abilities enhanced, allowing you to slay the witch. However, this power came at a great cost. You became vulnerable to radiant energy and hypersensitive to bright lights. Vaund, now showing his true face, revealed that he had manipulated you into strengthening your bond with him in order to gain a measure of control over you.   Ezmerelda d'Avenir has deduced that Vaud is a dark power that plans on using you as a vessel to consume the souls of others. Similar to how Vampyr made its deal with Count Strahd. It seems that Vaund is trying to use you to usurp Strahd and claim Barovia on its behalf. Vaund may have a strong hold on your soul for now, but Vaund has not yet completely taken ownership of it. It is still possible to sever this connection but you likely won't know how until you reach Amber Temple.
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