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A single shaft of light thrusts illumination into the main square, its brightness looking like a solid pillar in the heavy fog. Above the gaping doorway, a sign hangs precariously askew, proclaiming this to be the Blood on the Vine tavern.
  Located in the centre of the VILLAGE OF BAROVIA, this well located tavern ought to be doing a roaring trade - however, the 60 feet square building looks as shoddy as the rest of the village.   A closer inspection of the sign reveals that it originally stated it was the Blood of the Vine, but the 'f' has been scratched over with the 'n' that is now visible.    Never busy, at least for an establishment of this size, a few huddled souls can be found here at any time - wine is the lifeblood of BAROVIANS and drinking is perhaps the only pleasure that many of them experience.    The barkeep, ARIK LORENSK, is a little pudgy man and can be found here during opening hours.    Also found here often is ISMARK KOLYANOVICH, brother of IREENA KOLYANA and son of KOLYAN INDIROVICH, the burgomaster of the village.     Passing VISTANI can also be seen here drinking as the 3 owners are also Vistani: ALENKAMIRABEL and SORVIA. They tend to sit quietly at a table near the front door ensuring that all customers pay their tabs. Otherwise, they tend to ignore everyone including the PCs. However, they will be a little friendlier to other Vistani and people who visit the tavern with Vistani. They have lots of information they can divulge and might even suggest a visit to MADAM EVA  All tend to keep to themselves in quiet groups; certainly there is not the singing, shouting or revelry that one might normally associate with taverns. None, except Ismark, will approach the PCs and most simply give suspicious glances, especially if any members of the group are nonhuman.


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