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  Simply put, Barovians are an oppressed people. However, they do not share a single ethnicity as, following his conquest of the valley, Strahd had his realm populated with folk from across his lands.   Borne of the strange and oppressive circumstances in which they find themselves, Barovians cannot really be called a friendly people anymore. They value their customs and traditions, are suspicious of outsiders and tend to disapprove of anything that isn't familiar to them. They tend to stare silently, talk little to strangers and have tempers which can boil over easily. All of this can be unsettling for newcomers. Despite this, if one can win the confidence of a Barovian, then a friend can be made for life.   All of the above is true of Barovian children too. They don't lead lives full of play and happiness. Instead, the rule of Strahd instils fear and obedience. They tend to stay close to home and are devoid of joy, hope and fun.   Barovian adults have little hope too. Within the closed ecosystem of the valley (from which there is no contact to other planes or worlds), there is little trade and only a few ways to eke out a living. They merely serve a function in society stitching clothing, carving furniture or growing food. There is little wealth to be shared, only a few coins which bear the image of Strahd as he appeared when he conquered these lands.   Both children and adults dress plainly and do their upmost to maintain a low profile, avoiding the attention of Strahd and his many spies. Those who break this mould will certainly be beings with souls (see SOULS & SHELLS for more).   Barovians have a raft of names that they share (see right for some ideas for random NPC names).  
  Barovians share common (sometimes untrue!*) beliefs about their existence and life. Barovians are willing to share this information with people they trust:
  • STRAHD VON ZAROVICH is a vampire, who dwells in the unwelcome CASTLE RAVENLOFT.
  • Strahd's presence in Barovia is due to a curse placed on Barovians because of a long-forgotten sin their ancestors committed*.
  • A vampire must rest in its coffin during the day. At night vampires can summon rats and wolves to do their bidding. A vampire can transform into a bat, a wolf or mist. In its humanoid form, a vampire's gaze can dominate you.
  • A vampire must have an invitation to enter an individual's residence.
  • Vampires react to water like acid and to direct sun like flame.
  • It is impossible to leave Barovia due to the MISTS OF RAVENLOFT - it causes exhaustion and choking. Some have perished.
  • Many strangers have been drawn to Barovia over the years but all have either died or disappeared.
  • The SVALICH WOODS are home to wolves, dire wolves and werewolves. Bat fill the night skies.
  • The VILLAGE OF BAROVIA is run by Burgomaster KOLYAN INDIROVICH; the village of KREZK is run by Burgomaster DMITRI KREZKOV; the town of VALLAKI is run by Burgomaster VARGAS VALLAKOVICH. Barovians know the rough location of all these settlements.
  • Wine is the lifeblood of Barovia - with little else to look forward to, drinking wine is one of life's few pleasures. Barovian taverns are supplied by the WIZARD OF WINES winery.
  • A mad magic user lives in the foothills of MOUNT BARATOK; he is an outsider and does not like Strahd.
  • Barovians also have a raft of existential beliefs and superstitions which they share:
  • Barovia is watched over by two divine beings: the Morninglord and Mother Night.
  • Since Strahd's arrival, the Morninglord does not answer their prayers; the sun does not sun unobscured and the Morninglord can no longer watch over them during the daytime hours.
  • Similarly, prayers to Mother Night also go unanswered but her presence is said to still be felt during nighttime hours.
  • It is believed that the gods have forsaken the Barovian people due to some transgression that caused Strahd to arrive as part of some cursed punishment.
  • In the dead of night, the spirits of Strahd's conquered enemies walk the Old Svalich Road; this is the fate awaiting all of those who oppose him.
  • All VISTANI serve Strahd* and they alone are allowed to leave his realm.
  • Killing a raven will cause ill fortune.


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