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History of Barovia

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    Founding of Barovia

    Nation of Barovia forged of independent city-states by the von Zarovich family.

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    The Church of Andral

    The Church of Andral founded.

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    The Neureni Invasion
    Military action

    The invasion of the Neureni Horde.

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    The War of Silver Knives
    Military action

    The War of Silver Knives, a conflict between the Dilisnyas, Katskies, and the Petrovnas, purportedly begins with the Assassination of Lady Izabela Dilisnya.

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    Tergs Invade Barovia
    Military action

    The Tergs invade and occupy Barovia. Skirmishes occur throughout the valley and the southern Terg lands.

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    General Strahd
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Strahd gains the military rank of general.

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    Strahd Returns
    Military action

    Strahd brings mercenaries and Barovian armies together against the Tergs.

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    Siege of Krezk
    Military action

    The Siege of Krezk was one of the battles fought against the Tergs by Count Strahd von Zarovich.

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    Sergei Receives the Bright Blade
    Cultural event

    The Bright Blade is given to Sergei von Zarovich as he joins the Church of Andral.

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    The First Tragedy
    Life, Death

    Count Barov and Countess Ravenia von Zarovich slain by Tergs.

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    Dark Victory
    Military action

    The Tergs are finally driven from Barovia, pinned down in the Svalich Pass, and slaughtered. The Tergs would never again threaten Barovia. Strahd claims rulership of Barovia.

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    Castle Ravenloft
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of Castle Ravenloft is completed, and Strahd takes up residence there.