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Session 3: City of Salt: The 4 Ways: Bread, Family, and Rats

General Summary

Eros awakes early, dresses simply in a crop top, and then goes to the food for fresh food. 
Meat and bread, and water from Greendar. Back at the Herald's Tavern , interacts with Jessie, Caerhals Fiendom, the Famed of the Salted City dancer, getting ready for work later.
Terry also warns of an inspection because of a noise complaint, speaking of noises of children, but maybe also Cotton meowing. 
Back at the apartment, Eros cooks, but it makes Cotton sick, and she runs into room. Eros gets Birdman to eat some beef with her, as Cotton gets some air outside. 
Eros gives meat to Stryke, and then later her and Cotton hear the children giggling, laughing. Stryke has opened up more of the tunnels. Eros warns of Terry's arrival tomorrow, investigating if he can make more money. Yet, during this discussion Stryke's Children convince the group that they should be allowed to see the city as Stryke promised. Cotton and Stryke go shopping for practice swords for Donovan and Rhogarr, and Stryke meets Eros at Muscelo's Textiles and they purchase a dress for Leandra and cloaks for the rest of them. 
Meanwhile, Birdman goes back to the 10th House District to talk with Altopar again. The kenku wants another job and to offer his services for the human's upcoming divorce, loosely started by Eros 's ambivalent beauty. Altopar asks for Birdman to take out his wife and her lover, for 100gp a head, in order for the mage to avoid losing any connections from his wife's adultery. 
Soon, the rest of the party meets up with Eros at the 13th House District, where Eros is taking Jessie and the other girls for a place of safety. They have a few drinks, and eventually Birdman tells of Altopar's job. This upsets Eros, so she leaves to go find Altopar. 
Yet, the group is stopped by angered ratuess from the 4th House , for the The 4 Ways killed a few of the kin the day before. A fight breaks out, and the group slays a few more ratuess, many others escaping, and Eros runs to find 1st House guards to arrest them. Yet, the guards are confused by the anger and blood covering Stryke, so reinforcements are called. The group now waits to see if the guards will hear them out.
Report Date
06 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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