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City of Salt: The 4 Ways: Session 3

10th House investigation
Caerhals Fiendom, the Famed of the Salted City dancers jobs.

Plot points/Scenes

Scene 1: next morning, dancers and children interacting. Breakfast. Introduce each orphan.
Scene 2: Go to the 13th house. Talk with Rexaney Pelago to get the girls a job. DC 18 Charisma. Three successes.

Scene 3: Birdman and Eros go to 10th house... Altopar has asked for Birdman to be his attorney for he divorce proceedings. Hardy has been arrested, and since he is the affair with his wife, Altopar wants him assassinated. On the way out, Ratuess seek revenge for their brother.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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