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Session 36: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Dwarven Peace for a Gorgon Piece

General Summary

After returning from riding and fighting with Baarong, the ancient black dragon from lands far to the south, Eros, Birdman, and Solas meet the others from the mansion at the council chambers of the Cynas, where their leader the Wonder waits to meet with them. There are a trio of foreign dwarves who also come from the south, and then a human seemingly guarded by to Canis. 
However, while the appropriate protocol is taken, Eros gets impatient and rises on the circular table to dance and entice a new audience. This soon spark the beagle-man, the Cynas Wonder and Leader of their city, to stand and compete for his own people's attention as well as to enjoy a new dance partner and potential future, in Eros. 
Before this gets too much out of control, and the dwarves and others get agitated, Alexander attempts to garner attention, and others notice the dwarf leader does see Stryke in possession of their old family heirloom, something the Melin gained weeks passed from a botched robbery in the City of Salt. The dwarves attempt to leave, but Birdman calls out for the dwarves to learn of the truth of their fallen brother. The tension rises. 
The dwarf leader challenges for the axe and says the heirloom could an honoring symbol for their future ventures this far north. Birdman is able to finally stop the tension from rising anymore, hopefully avoiding a fight, by swiftly just giving the vorpal axe over, and allowing the dwarves to leave, to really leave this City of Cynas in peace. 
As the meeting wraps up, Eros makes plans with The Wonder to meet later to discuss their future travels and good times, but also she stops the human with the canis before they leave, and with some use of mind reading magic she quickly learns the human is a drow in disguise trying to take advantage of a known fugitive of the 12th House, but they know nothing really about the current affairs in the City of Salt. However, they do know of a Tarrasque farm near by, and this knowledge allows for further assistance and manipulation of the drow. Inevitably his punishment was warned from the beginning by Eros, and Birdman and Stryke remove parts of his genitals as well as his magical diadem that allows him to cast disguise self at will. 
After this torture, they part ways, and Eros and Alexander look to find The Wonder, seeing him in a small forgotten tavern in the back of the city. Here they both try to ask him for his time, one for access to his magic to send messages at large distances and the other to make sure the gorgon parts, the penis, is given to the group as part of their reward for what they have done for the City since thwarting the procreation of the strange creatures, the gorgon or adamantine bull monstrosities. 
Once the sending spell is arranged by Alexander, he is able to contact a former wizard compatriot from far away lands, Allic Tith, a dragon rider and master of teleportation magics. They are able to arrange the use of a teleportation circle to transfer the gorgon, while dominated, to these new lands for understanding and experimentation, and with the help of other evocation magics, they are able to mutilate and regrow the penis of the creature, the leftover part given to Birdman to craft a new bong. 
They then return to the city, find out the easiest route to the hidden townships of the testudine, and they get some rest, sharing new rips from the new bong, and getting ready for what adventure lies ahead.

Rewards Granted

Bong of Adamantine, Gorgon Penis: 2000 gp, Rare

Cover image: by Seth Love


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