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Session 77: Scallywags: "75 Gold Well Spent"

General Summary

It is decided that Nar, Tsara, Chogim, and Horizon, later to be reinforced by Noodles, Lady Sasha, and maybe even Chatulkik, will stand guard over Uhmar, his wife Lady Sorcenel, and the other knights they have taken from the Death Researcher's war galleon. 
Upon climbing down the rope ladders from the Horizon's Call to stone docks of the Dwarven District of Feon, Captain Brimstone and his brother Aikhon find themselves greeted by Reggie Lead Captain of the Dwarven Privateer Fleet, a trio of three dwarven Axe Warships--small and hearty ships powered by sails and oars, reinforced with stone tempering and metalurgy. One of the other dwarves, Thwent, is captain of the Iron Wake, and he fended off against the brunt fo the Brackish Fleet during the fights of the 8th Bloom. A third, Rovain, spent time in the Cladd, and his Abyssal Requiem is a capable warship in its own right. Rovain is very angry, and he waits for Reggie to reinforce the conversation, the request for conversation per se, rather than what is obvious on Rovain's face, to swing a warhammer upon dragon faces. 
Nevertheless, the group agrees to meet in the officers quarters aboard Reggie's Errant Venture for wine and conversation. 
It is quickly clear that Reggie and is fellow dwarves are upset by Vareth's ascension as an officer, Master-At-Arms, no less for the Horizon's Call and its Crimson Fleet. However, Brimstone and Aikhon are able to convince the dwarves because of the King's involvement with devilish assistance, and the dwarves history with the Clad, particularly Captain Rovain, that they are needed for the next steps towards their engagement with the Faces of the King. 
They also agree to trade the knowledge of the reinforced hull for that of a Long Long and either another cannon or ballista for the Call. 
The dwarves also see a possibility of reinforcing and controlling some of the major trade routes of the Faces of the King and their own peopel farther south east, in the deserts, that of the Mithril Hall. Reggie wishes to control the trade for his people, and he wishes to ensure it has a future. Knowing that the Dovah brothers are not thinking of the next King's seat, he worries of how this assassination may hold any positive light for the future of the Grey Coasts beyond a year or so. 

Mila spends most of her afternoon looking for the key needles, razors, hammers, and inks, as well as a sketchbook for her knowledge of tattoos, both magical and artistic. She spends 200 gold toward gathering most of the basic needs of it. 

Roland begins to establish new contacts, neutral and independent from his family, but ones close enough for him to gain access to their current movements and whereabouts. He invests 200 gold to try to find a decent trader and business close but not too close to the veins of the life he used to know. He meets a Goliath narmed Garm, a lucrative trader, connected to and throughout Allura, the Grey Coasts, and the Regent Isles. He reaches for places beyond, but Roland's family controls those movements, much as they control the black trades of the Grey Coasts. 

Brimstone also begins to search for magic items to assist with their next attacks towards the Faces of the King. He invests 100 gold into the search, and he finds noble dealer, a attache to the Grivaella house of Ne, and he asks for an exorbitant amount from Brimstone: 15000 gold. However, he and his brother Aikhon are able to begin back tracking this noble's whereabouts, and they plan to steal from the rich for their own poor pouches. This noble was related to Kevdae's imprisonment the last time they were here. 

Lady Sash meets with her publicist at Vareem's Ships and other accoutrement. She finds Mr. Grye, a Skaldyr trader and heraldsman, and they discuss her recent adventures. He loves to here how she is now friends with the Dovah kin, brothers and sister, and how they have her next plot just laid out for her to write; she just needs time. However, his excitement concerns Lady Sasha, and she warns him to keep quite about the developments of her story before it is released. 
Lady Sasha also wishes to release a special edition for Grindstone's Grain, one made from Giantskin, 50-100gp each. She only receives 1410 of her full earnings from her first sales so that she can cover these new expenditures. 
She begins to head back to the Call, but she finds Ilknar inside a window. 
Aikhon and Brimstone have made their way to the Salty Siren only to find Ilknar already wasted from his baw crawl for the majority of the afternoon, but Roland is being a chaperone. Others are there too, Deoy and Dosgratin, Pojin, and others. 
Aikhon gambles of Deoy, and he trips up the young Grung, and gains from the gamble. He will learn later that Deoy was able to steal his own earnings and more back before he left the table. 
Meanwhile, Roland talks to Brimstone about hitting more gambling dens to strengthen his contact with Garm, but also to learn more about where his family actually is and what they have been up to. 
While Ilknar is distracted, Brimstone casts arcane lock on all of Ilknar's pockets. This forces Ilkanr in his drunken state to storm outside confused, only to return with his pants ripped off, only his belt remains. Mila takes this moment to cast him into a sphere, and then the bar begins to toss him around. Ilknar rages, Aikhon takes opportunity to try to steal from a goblin warboss, and he fails. This leads to other confusion, and a possible brawl. 

Soon Ilknar is stuck in a window.
Report Date
05 May 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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