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Session 79: Scallywags: Holding Hands, Casual Kobold Kidnapping; The Hull

General Summary

Outside the fallen Salty Siren, after their combustible and confusing bar brawl, Roland, Aikhon, Dosgratin drag the bodies of the fallen, an inquisitor of the Faces of the King, and a hobgoblin pirate, scarred and branded with abyssal runes and marks. Teyos helps to identify some of this, and she notifies Dosgratin, who is keen the rest of the time on putting the last remaining out of their misery or happiness; he does not care. He knows their evil is true enough here. There is some discussion on bringing the conscious inquisitor home, and Roland is reminded by Dosgratin that the brig is quite full. Roland responds with, "Well, they can hold hands."
Mila takes opportunity during this to question the human warlock, this inquisitor, for after Teyos draws attention to the magical talisman, one glowing with a green and blue aura, much like the sea, but tinged with a darker purple essence. This essence makes Mila uneasy, and she finds from the warlock that he was given this by the king, one to search and hunt. He looks now, though, for she who was invited by the King, a half-orc named Ollie, large and in charge, trained in the arts of the Cuthbert order, but also a brute in her own right. She is hard to track, so they search for a dwarf, a dark bearded one, by the name of Bangrim, Ollie's compatriot. They saw a dwarf, and they investigated, but they found Dosgratin, and then more brazen dragonborn so brave to still walk the streets of Feon after the Purge. A few weeks ago, the Faces of the King came and drafted the great majority of human sailors and soldiers.
After this conversation it is pretty much decided that they will hide the bodies and put the rest still standing out of the misery. They need time for the Crimson Fleet to come into full form, and they still need what little element of surprise that they have. Nevetheless, Dosgratin is all too eager to execute them, and Teyos walks away to go assist the passed-out Ilknar. One is crushed quickly, to Aikhon's behest, he who begged for more clandestine means to get rid of the bodies, he who hides another body inside the nearest outhouse. Thus, they drag the other two inside, and Brimstone asks for the remaining bugbear to be kept alive for further interrogation on the meaning of his brands and scars. Teyos then sees how the minotaur still imprisoned in Mila's wall of force also shares the same markings, and she is also intrigued. As Dosgratin begins to drag the screaming human to another room to end his life, the entrapped minotaur breaks free, slicing through one of the duo of prodding kobolds jeering at him this whole time. The minotaur then tries to dash away, but he is pursued by Mila and then Will, their conversation being interrupted.
Mila went to Will and asked him of the opinions on executing the inquisitors from his home. He reasons it away: they made a choice, and the king represents something much larger than revenger or retribution. George even arrived to confirm this. Mila is shocked sort of by his deep and profound way of thinking, but before she can reason it herself, the Minotaur has raged, has risen, has slain a kobold--the gnome mage sees as she moves to follow the beast--this minotaur is insensate, and he must be stopped. She casts spells to hold the monster in place, but he resists, and Will even runs after him. However, Aikhon is also returning from the outhouse at this time, and he meets the beast at the front of the door to the Salty Siren. He casts a suggestion spell, to allow the minotaur to listen to his proselytizing about the greatest of sea goddesses, Bilin. The magic works, and the minotaur turns around and invites Aikhon to take a seat across from him so that he may hear this preaching of the dragonborn.

Dumbfounded, Roland, Mila, and Will stare on, and they prepare for when the Minotaur will break free, when he feels he has heard enough, and he is ready to continue his escape. He talks for a few seconds, up until the Kobold, the second runs from the room from his fallen comrade screaming of murder and disgrace, of vengeance. This soon prompts the Minotaur to leave, and the chase continues, with more spells that finally hold the creature in place from Mila, and Will drags it back in slowly. They soon slay it, and they begin to leave, letting the Salty Siren finally close up for the day.

Ilknar, Teyos, and Brimstone stay at the Siren, and then the others return to the ship. Roland hefts the fallen kobold from the fight with the Minotaur, who was able to shock with fire and ice, both Mila and other patrons of the Salty Siren. Yet, finally after the Minotaur escapes out of the window breaking its glass, Mila fires form of arcane glass, and when it hits the beast, the minotaur shatters, disintegrates into pieces of glass taht Aikhon soon procrurs; he also takes the catalyst apparati for his Brother Vumpesh to experiment with later.
Roland returns this kobold to other friends, and he gives them a zile tooth claiming it to be a dragon tooth, and the Kobolds and dragonkin of Lady Valentha's Unshackled Horizon believe him. It was so casually done, tucking the kobold under his arm. :D
On the return walk home, Aikhon asks Roland about the Regent Isles, the brute and enforcer's home, and why he is marked missing instead of wanted. Roland can only reason that his family is holding a grudge, using him for some gain for the leader's son. Aikhong suggests there are many reasons to go north to the Regent Isles, and perhaps Roland may find aid and closure there upon his return.

Then seven (7) days go by, where each PC spends time together and independently working towards various goals. The HULL of the Horizon's Call is reinforced during this time for 10000 gp.

Roland spends his days finding a masterwork thieve's tools set, staying out in populated view, wanting to be seen by those who may be searching for who is missing. Moreover, he also solidifies his newfound relationship with the odd trader, a goliath named Garm who seems to have connections to his family. Through this new connection, Roland is able to find out that Kren, just north of here, may be a better place to find crew members to replace those who have left.

Ilknar wakes up, and he is hungry, so he vomits in his hungover stupor, and he makes his way back to the Call to get more money for food. Then eh spends his week finding a few magic items, a ring of swimming, and bracers of defense, whom he eventually had to steal. He only stolen them for the owner asked for 2000g, Nethpione convinced Ilknar it was a good idea. This pig farmer, they soon find out as they follow him home, only eventually agrees because Ilknar reveals his giant nature, and well, Nethpione and the giantkin use their magics to make a storm appear, Ilknar rips off the roof of the house of the farmer after he throws one of the pigs through the walls and ceiling. He spends the rest of his week earning some gold (100) in the fighting pits of Feon, working out through the town and on the beach, and also arranging new tattoos. He loses one fight, against a half-orc named Ollie.
He finds Mila, knowing of her own tattoo skills, and he asks about a tattoo he has seen before, a powerful one imbued with the imagery and ambush tactics of the Kraken. He worries, however, that it may interact badly with the mark on his back. Having never heard about this before, Mila investigates the odd magic that resonates on the giantkin's back, a deep bioluminescene that grips under his skin, as part of his muscle, like tendrils--something akin to a jellyfish, almost, or even a flower poised upside down. She does not see how it would interact badly, but she is not sure. She is able to sense divination, transmutation, and most importantly conjuration from this piece. She believs it, or Ilknar, as the chosen of the Storm King, is to act as key of sorts, at two key spots. One is the Wall of the King, the Faces of the King's Ward, another, layered in front, is under water, deep and dark. He will summon something. Nevertheless, she agrees to the tattoo, but Ilknar, now learning this, wants to get the kraken tattoo on his chest. Mila crafts it in glamour ink, allowing it, the tattoo, to flow and wave like the waves and kraken, too. During the process, Saerah and Nethpione both watch on, and Ilknar asks Saerah if she knows of this mark. It is his birthmark, she calls it, and she knows it is something to ordain him as a Storm King. However, when she touches it, there is a strong warmth and light that emanates in all directions.

Mila spends two days working on tattoos during her time, and gains more skills towards her own expertise in this craft. She also crafts a tattoo of her own, one of the late Valia, who sacrificed herself at the Bloom. She gave life for a future, and with this new silvered tattoo, chainsaw and strength to be clear, will help sanctify Mila's own life. She also spends time in the pitfighting in Feon, winning all three of her fights during this week.

Aikhon spends his time bonding with Fraridirem, his keyhold dragonette, met her on the Chronoloc Isles when the faced Hags commanding trolls in the forests south of Feon. He also goes to nearby islands and forests to harvest key herbs to both help Ganoi and Vumpesh with their crafts to heal their compatriots and harm the enemies. He is also able to arrange with Thore and Thimble's Alchemy Shop in the Dwarven District of Feon to craft some more alchemical ammunition for them.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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