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Session 82: Plans for Adventures and New Horizons: Scallywags

General Summary

It is the 11th of Raes Rut, the Day of Sight, and Lady Sasha has arranged a meeting with the famous Dovah brothers, Brimstone and Aikhon, with her publicist to discuss her next, or better yet, another installment of her stories, where the dragon brothers, and their intrigueing and diverse crew will serve as protagonists to a grand tale. She invited others, like Nethpione at Brimstone's ask, but Pojin, Ilknar, Dosgratin, George show up of there own. Mr. Grye, the publicist, wants an authentic pirate experience, so Lady Sasha arranges for the drinks and stew, Kevdae's best, for this dinner and night aboard the Call. They also discuss the actions of the Bloom, as Aikhon reveals, and the publicist must ask what has occured with his own people sent to the Bloom. They do not know, but assumed many perished before they came, or were driven away. Still, these are strange tales, and Mr. Grye wants to know more. The honor to his people demands it. 
He stays the night, and the others enjoy the festivities. Later that night, Lady Sasha goes to read to the prisoners in the brig of the Call, trying to make it a daily habit. 

The next morning, about 9 am or so, Roland is leaving the Call to meet with his contact Garm, a goliath fixer for these island chains, the Chronoloc and Regent isles. Garm wants to introduce Roland to another friend who wishes to do business between Feon and the Regen isles without official eyes or hands being part of the trade. Yet, before they can walk off to have these discussions, he bumps into Mila who was also sending off for her daily work for the time spent on the island. He invites her to breakfast, and the at first walk away, even with a very large and muscular half orc coming to the Call asking to do business with the captain of the Call. However, on the way to invite her on deck for this moot, the copper dragoborn notices over this Ollie's shoulder, a dwarf tryign to creep in closer, and mouthing, Don't do it. This prompts Aikhon to send a magicl message to Roland. Roland goes to talk with this dwarf, and he finds the dwarf at first trying to play off like he is sailor, and he knows something is off, so Roland grapples the dwarf. The dwarf tries to resist, but he is soon taken to Aikhon, and he is able to break away to jump of his own accord. 
Aikhon leads him inside, so this dwarf can witness the interaction, after asking of name and interest the young Bangrim has in Ollie. The dwarf tries to play off as if he has no interest, and he almost succeeds, for he has an arm to deliver to Roland, the 2nd Mate of the Call. A personal favor given by the friends of Lady Sasha. 
Aikhon has Ollie sit down, and he and his brother ask of her intentions. She has 10000 gold given to her by her master, and she knows that Uhmar or one of his lieutenants are still alive, and she wishes to purchase those prisoners in her master's name. Aikhon of course has questions, mostly about intent and who her master is. She cares little for the intentions of her master towards the prisoners, only that this is what she has been asked. She refuses to say more about her master. This forces her to leave, and she will return later the dragon brothers intuit. 

Roland leaves with Mila, Garm, and Lady Messussa, or Mess, she prefers to be called. They go to breakfast at the Glittering Galleon in Feon . There, and of course along the way, Mila notices Lady Mess staring, almost longingly, at Roland. Mila assumes she is attracted to him, and that may indeed be the case, but Roland senses there is more. There is, for she eventually reveals that her organization needs large, independent boat, to transfer 20+ tons of Dragonglass to the Regent Isles, to Conf, Regent Isles , in particular. 
The discussion leads to having more involved to solve the arrangements of this large, dynamic hold. Mila knows that Dragonglass is tempermental and dangerous, used for strong magics, as it is the ancient corpses of dragons turned into petried stone, like fossils of the ancients. The Lady Mess is about to leave, and Mila calls out for her to admit her love to Roland, to get some flesh, so to speak. This embarasses the Lady, and she tries to leave, but Roland notices something off with her tattoo on her wrist as she tries to brush the hair out of her face nervously. It is the double crows feet of the Seconds of his House and Home, the Devil's Gambit. She is a Greeter, sent to confirm his actual presence--were the rumors true? She gets more than she bargained for, for even even Roland takes her home to stop her, she believed her arcane power could charm him, but Mila came to enjoy the breakfast too. Her abjuration magic easily nullifies Lady Mess'. Here the Lady freaks out, and she screams for help. The tavern master of the Glittering Galleon comes over, and he asks them to take it outside. The Lady calms, and they follow outside. 
Once outside, they find the Lady in her calm state is able to admit her business, that she was sent to confirm his assistance, and with that, he preparation, she had already sent a letter to her Master Greeter, and that more will come for Roland. But he seems unconcerned, for the Crimson Fleet is with him. They let her leave, and Roland and Mila return to the Call to discuss this business venture and impending conflict with the rest of the officers. 

Later this evening, but something that has been building for many days, something Ilknar sees in the Waves on the Horizon. Imagery, he sees himself on a beach, but another, standing below, as large as he is, he is still small--standing below the Wall of the King. He climbs this ancient Fae wall, moss covered, runed, embossed with Faces of past patrons and kings. Then, he sees the mountains, he stands atop the Wall, and there is draconic maw, a gold dragon, larger by far than his own giant form, and it opens. Out crawls another draconic figure, and it beckons him inside. To join, to learn, to be. 
He sees another vision, but one deep in the depths of sea, of a large crab, of his own being joining with it, piloting it. His own protective suit of the sea. 

At the same time, Lady Sasha has come to read more of her book to her placated listeners, the prisoners in the brig of the Call. One listener, Padal Vuv, enjoys it most of all, and he even gets the courage to whisper to the Lady Sasha of his freedom, of his wish for adventure and a call for more than this cage, if reform and a new hope for himself away from the King. Lady Sasha gets the key to release him from the reluctant Horizon, and she takes him to Aikhon, Mila and Brimstone, to get his freedom, but to also have him explain to them what he told her: the queen is possibly the most responsibly for the actions in the last three to four years. The King may have sealed the orders, but Padal and his other knights and officers know they were given the orders to come to the Bloom, to gather dragonborn, to create this Inquisition, from the voice of Jhusve. 
This sparks a memory from Mila, who rememebers a lady from the Voidshard name, a Jhusve who was part of the Arcane College and tower, back seven years ago and before that, when Mila trained under the Wall's gaze, served the Faces of the King. This probably is the same woman, and her ambitions then, obviously have grown. But what she hears here, Mila wonders if Jhusve now is the Archmage of the Collegia Arcana, the Tower the resides at the base of the Wall. 
Lady Sasha offers for him to be her squire, to join the crew of the Redwing. However, Padal sees this as a dishonor to his family, for he was already a knight, and to serve under a 'privateer' such as Will will just not serve. Thus, the Lady Sasha offers another deal, despite the slight by Aikhon about questioning Padal's dishonor, threatening his family--even with Mila warning Aikhon of his own demise should that happen--Padal agrees. This new deal demands a new honor--the protector of the Chronoloc Isles, acted in the name of the Dovah Brothers and their Crimson Fleet. They give Padal 100 gold to get started, and he smiles and leaves, ready for a new adventure. 

Four more days go by, and in that time, Mila gains experience with tattooing, and her reputation grows, for she finishes to pieces for dwarven sailors looking for stronger legs aboard the ships, magical tattoos to help the legs be as defiant as the waves or mountains themselves. She earns some gold to apply towards reagents for a spell to help her understand more of the legends, to lore the gods have left as hints to the intentions--the designs for mortals destinies, or the ambivalences to their successes. Lady Mila gains much renown from the people for her work and show of individual strength and skill. 
Aikhon helps buy more resources for the Call, 3 more row boats in case of emergency, and resources for smoke bombs. During this time, he also investigates the hobgoblin cultist who escaped the bar brawl a few days back. Finding him still in town, well just outside, the catalyst offers his services to the locals, but he also is rumored to do some odd chants after the fall of the sun. Aikhon is able to witness the tail end of one, and sees upon later investigation, that the sand on the beach now carries the same bloody red hue as that of the Red Skies at leer from the western shores of Claddenrow. He can't help but see the image of a wolf, and the sound of the waves almost carries that same howl he heard on the two nights around the call when a ghost ship terrorized them all. 
Lady Sasha sells some of her armor, and Ilknar begins to research more about his giant heritage. He learns of three distinct dignified actions of his father from the Western Light House Library in Feon, with help from a gnomish librarian, Master Beren. He also establishes the understanding of the Ordning, and he sees how the Ordning is one of the major weights determining the power of the ancient Wall.

Character(s) interacted with

Lady Sasha's Publicist,

Cover image: by Seth Love


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