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Session 86: The Devil's Gambit At Midnight: Scallwags

General Summary

It is late, and they must move to get away before the rise of the king, he who comes to Feon. The stop their upgrades, only getting hull, sails, drums, and artillery complete. 

And there are other rumors from the east, of the rise of Kobold fleets and smoke from battles beyond. 

However, it is still late, and Roland needs to talk with a Lady Le Stanun in order to understand how The Men in Black, and then more so, and by proxy, his family's organization on the Regen Isles, The Devil's Gambit, plays its games upon the Chronoloc Isles and that of Feon. She at first plays coy, not sure of Mila, who is studying Le Stanun's spell book, but soon she explains how they wished to entice the Dovah brothers, bring them close to the regent isles, so they can see them too. 

He promises her that she will join them are their journies north. 

Earlier in the day, Mila attempted to do some investigation of her own, far, far north, she eventually realizes, as she teleports to the golden drakes cavern, the one from her dream, her astral projection, where she witnessed King Boveen slaying the great golden drake, and he is ready to slay more. Nevertheless, she finds the gold drakes lair ransacked after she appears above its golden central tree, and she finds further inside some gold and a simple potion, and even some draconic histories left too. Yet, most keen, seem to be letters between the great gold drak, F, and a Gourn, a name Mila recognizes as a predecessor to the trade of Grindstone's Grain. Mila is also able to collect, from the roots of the strange tree, three units of golden scales. Before she leaves, she tries to divine where she is, and she knows she is near the wall, seemingly hundreds of miles north of her Collegia Aracanium. 

She returns, and then she assists with the dicussions and parlay with Roland as aforementioned. With that done, the crew go to bed. 

However, at midnight, the dwarven fire alarms are raised, and Aikhon is first to see, sleeping on Saerah's vessel which encircles around and through the dwarven docks of Feon. He sees strange creatures rise from some bubbling depths, and they attack the dwarven mariners on duty. They are lead bya quatro of other demons barking out in abyssal of their lord, captain, and savior he who will claim Feon for his own, The Molydeus of Claddenrow. 
Soon others from the Scallywags and the Horizon's Call's crew find speed, and with teleports and powers beyind, Ilknar even becoming a true giant, gargantuan and strong. They face this horde of wretched fiends, with bites, claws, and rejoicings of pain. But, soon, the bubbes boil beyond the grips of the dwarven vessel they surround, and the vessel is swallowed whole, only to be replaced by some ghostly vessel, with cannons ready, and some strange beast ready to rise. 
Ilknar is surrounded, but Mila is below his feet assisting and dancing with magic and fist; Aikhon dives below with Firi along side, and Saerah floating above, crossbows and magic flying here and there; Roland has returned to the ship after defending George, preparing the Call's arms, an attack raging from beyond, they know, but one they could control now; Brimstone and Lady Sasha face the others about and around, the wretched bites and claws, the hooting and jumping from mast to mast, the guns and bits, but even with that, Lady Sasha is able to disarm the Molydeus of his great sword, and use it against this crazed fiend.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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