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Session 88: Scallywags: Recruitment, Procurement, Imprisonment

General Summary

The crew wakes up the next day, still mourning the loss Western Sunrise, but they also need to begin plans for their departure from Feon, and their hopeful avoidance of the King, the Faces of the King coming for them. Dovah kin would seem to be a welcome addition to his dead dragon collection. 

However, Brimstone would like to take his brother along, during these days, to help get some sacred wraps, some to strength his fists even more, those usually only used by monks. Tritherion, his lord, he who made him a Corsair Paladin, to establish peace on the Grey Coasts--he is more than a monk, but their ways will serve his aims. However, locating, convincing, and purchasing for such a rare item would be no easy task; thankfully, his brother, Aikhon Dovah, could convince a god to kiss a frog. They travel to the Regent Isles by the aid of Aikhon's Voyager Staff. At first, Aikhon seems to imply he will help, but shouldn't the great Captain Brimstone be able to do this? However, the Captains spend the better part of half a day scaring most people away, letting his dragon form, fire breath and intimdating presence, almost rip through his human disguise (well, Aikhon did help in some way). 
Nevertheless, with this Aikhon decides to intervene, at least from afar, and let the magic of his bardic ways inspire his brother Brimstone. By this point, they seem to only come away of a Temple of Cuthbert, a small one, in Hisel, an almost even smaller town--a fishing and hunter/gatherer area--somethign to supply the Regent Tower with needed sustenance. 

They soon notice, after Brimstone rents a horse for 10 gold, that they are being followed, and Aikhon after quite a few movements to test his theory truly does believe this is a curious member of the Seekers of the Faces of the King: former magic followers and protectors, now general lap dogs to the Faces of the King, to the King Boveen. 
Nevertheless, they continue their travel, and they are able to out pace and overwhelm their shadow, and eventually he comes to join them for rest, trying desperately to deceive his true intentions of investigating these odd tourists. They see through this ruse, and they are able to grapple and take him down, knocking him unconscious after they hear draconic words spoken from this human, acknowledging--once Aikhon is close enough--that indeed he is captured by the dragonkin of Dovah. Aikhon conceals his face, but Brimstone cannot help but show his true draconic form. 
They hide this lost human in a bush, and they continue to Hisel, to find this Temple of Cuthbert. Here, they meet a congregation of monks, and they offer coin for these wraps. The monks see this as the gift it is, but an elderly monk offers insight to the next steps of these dragonkin. He sees light in them, and knows they will help the light continue out of these dark times. This blessing sets them away with a task only they could know. 

During these two days of downtime thereafter, while the Captain and Aikhon are gone, Nethpione, Auna, and Pojin manage a lot of the recruiting, at least what can be managed here in the Chronoloc Isles. 
Lady Sasha spends much of her time with the crew, old and new alike, playing cards and judging insights. She has become glue and a Major Domo almost of the Horizon's Call. Many of the crew trust her, and enjoy her company. 
Mila spends time going to the many towns upon the Chronoloc Isles--from Feon, to Twi, to Kren and back--she practices and trades in her tattooing skills, and she gains access to copy of a mark from the Quickbeam, halfling family from Grindstone's Grain--she learns a new magical tattoo. 
Ilknar spends time with the locals, particularly a local Orc, Roashii, where they bond in an odd way over serialized ancient smut comic of the Scion people, something easily over 1000 years old. This orc will join the crew. 
Roland spends time with Mila, identifying this odd multi-eyed cloak he found in the dragonglass warehouse, and getting Mr. Dewelling--Lady Sasha's main attendant and tailor--and Noodles to assist in modifiying this cloak in to a pair of dress gloves and eye-filled vest. 
When Roland returns, he charters one of the rowboats maneuvering goods between the vessels of their Crimson Fleet, and he finds his way to the Unshackled Horizon, to confer with Lady Valentha Dovah and her elder brother Vumphesh. He wishes to know more of Gridley the grung, who is now tacked to the main mast of this vessel, slowing drying out in the sun, but punishment for trying to lay with the Lady Valentha without her permission. Nevertheless, they call Vumphesh from working below, and they go to a quiet room below deck to converse about upcoming events. 
He gives his wreath, one taken from Aikhon by the ghost of Skiff, now gifted to another Dovah. They all sense the power from it, and Valentha's greed is quite apparent. Nevertheless, Vumphesh sees no need for the payment, but Valentha donns the wreath like a crown for a queen. She agrees to aid Roland in his venture to restructure the Devil's Gambit, the organized crime group that holds the Regent Isles with a tight grip. 

The next day, when the Dovah Brothers return from the shopping venture, they are greeted by Reggie, Rovane, and Thwent, the dwarven captains and warships who have joined the Crimson Fleet. 
These dwarves fear for what it means that a Molydeus traveled so far from Claddenrow. Thwent especially feels a need to travel back west, to see really if more of these demonic, ghostly vessels do exist. The group is torn by this split, but they agree, as Reggie said he will stay with his vessel. They agree to also install a smugglers banner for the Call before they go. 

The evening is then filled with the Dovah family--Aikhon, Brimstone, Valentha, Vareth, and Vumphesh--they all came together to assist Brimstone in a little breaking and entering from a human noble of Ne, one who asked an exorbitant price for a small gem. Nevertheless, they take what the will, and distract the house lady with magic along the way. In the library, the find inside a book, the gem of Brimstone's choice, but they procure many other items along the way--mostly treasures and valuables one could smuggle in another city or island. 
When they return to the Horizon's call, Aikhon finds washed aboard the deck, a warhon of the ancient Giant People--one destined for a aid to the Prince of the Storm. But Aikhon pockets it nonetheless. 
The next day, Sasha acts as bounty hunter to turn in Brimstone, Aikhon, Vareth, Deoy, Ilknar, and Dosgratin--in order to take the bounty and then later break out of prison. Maybe they will find some more crew along the way.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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