
The great creature stood more than six feet tall, on cruel clawed feet that poked out from under a dirty cloak. The ragged cloth dangled down almost to the ground, draped loosely over every inch of flesh, obscuring the details of physiognomy and musculature, all but the garuda’s head. And that great inscrutable bird face gazed down at Isaac with what looked like imperiosity. Its sharply curved beak was something between a kestrel’s and an owl’s. Sleek feathers faded subtly from ochre to dun to dappled brown. Deep black eyes stared at his own, the iris only a fine mottling at the very edge of the dark. Those eyes were set in orbits which gave the garuda face a permanent sneer, a proud furrow.

And looming over the garuda’s head, covered in the rough sackcloth it clasped about itself, projected the unmistakable shapes of its huge furled wings, promontories of feather and skin and bone that extended two feet or more from its shoulders and curved elegantly towards each other. Isaac had never seen a garuda spread its wings at close quarters, but he had read descriptions of the dust-cloud they could raise, and the vast shadows they threw across the garuda’s prey below.
- Chapter Three, Perdido Street Station

A race of desert birdfolk, the garuda are proud and noble hunters, spending most of their time engaging in a hunt or performing other vital tasks for the survival of their tribe. Most garuda would not leave their family units or clans to pursue adventuring, but this trait is less stringent among the few garuda who have emigrated out of the wild. Urban garuda often have harsh lives, and will do whatever necessary for coin or escape. The few banished and wingless individuals have no choice but to scrounge out a living as best they can.


The garuda are nomadic hunters who possess a great love of freedom. Their roaming tribal society is completely egalitarian and rarely has any need of city-made goods or customs; they do not use money or pray to deities or spirits. Some tribes serve very specific functions within the greater population; for example, the librarian clan of the Cymek carries many thousands of volumes with it whenever it migrates. All garuda prefer the open sky, and find permanent buildings and underground structures completely repellant. Individual garuda tend to be more stern and nononsense than the average human. Garuda follow their own strange legal code, which is often very confusing to outsiders. To them, denial of choice is the moral compass that determines criminal action, and all crimes are the same crime, called “choice-theft.” Any garuda who murders, rapes, or enslaves another is guilty of the blackest crime and it typically exiled from the tribe after his or her wings are cut off. Few survive the desert long in this condition.

Physical Description

Garuda typically stand just over 6 feet tall and weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Although their skin color is most commonly a wash of tan, their feathers can vary wildly from gray and white to brown and tan. Their wings are very large, and the typical wingspan is twice the height of the individual. Their wings are separate appendages from their arms. Natural born hunters, garuda possess powerful claws, hollow bones, and excellent eyesight.


The clans of the Cymek go about their own business, usually causing no grief to their neighbors. Garuda Lands Most garuda clans live a nomadic existence in the Cymek desert, while others dwell in the north of Shoteka and the west of Mordiga. Small groups of garuda can be found in most of the central and eastern cities of Rohagi, although they are definitely a minority.


The garuda pray to no gods, although they do have a nebulous devil-figure in their mythology, named Dahnesch.


Garuda have their own language of piping, raucous sounds, which cannot be spoken by human voices. They are also capable of speaking standard human languages, despite their lack of lips.

Torque & Thaumaturgy (Magic)

The thaumaturgical practices of the Cymek garuda are limited to minor ritualistic healings and divinations. Rumors exist that claim the far-off tribes of Shoteka have gained a higher understanding of thaumaturgy, perhaps due in part to their proximity to the Witchocracy.  


Racial Traits:

Ability Score Increase

+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.


As Medium creatures, garuda have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.


Garuda base land speed is 30 feet. They also have a fly speed of 40 feet, with average maneuverability.

Special Abilities:

Tough Skin:

+2 natural armor bonus.

Natural Weapons:

2 claw attacks (1d4).

Vertical Strike:

Garuda double the normal range increment when firing straight down from at least 30 feet overhead. If the attack roll is successful, they also gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls.

Chaos Resistance:

Garuda are either the products of chaos thaumaturgy, or have simply lived near it and with it long enough to build up a tolerance. Garuda gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against spells, abilities, or other effects with the Chaos descriptor.

Hunters Eyes:

Garuda gain a +8 racial bonus on perception checks while flying, in daylight.

Automatic Languages:

Garuda (either Cymek or Shotek).

Bonus Languages:

Ragamoll, Sunglari or Galaggi.

Difficulty Level:

2/10 Generally speaking, any garuda who has left their community would be readily accepted as an adventuring companion.
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