The Cymeki Empire

May the sun always light your way
  Scorching sun, baked-clay hills, and merciless sandstorms – this is the Cymek Desert, one of the harshest and least forgiving regions of Rohagi. Cymek is a fairly large island located at the southern most tip of Rohagi and is separated from the main land by the Meagre Sea. Most of the island is covered in a rich red-colored sand as far as the eye can see with jaggered and broken mountains jutting out of the sand at strange angles creating vast canyons and sharp ridges. Although much of the terrain is navigable, pitfalls and sand traps wait to snare the unwary or unprepared as well as the local fauna.

Outside of the lush riverbanks and rain forests of the northern peninsula, the only scraps of plant life to be found are dust-coloured marram, spiky cacti, and the occasional hard, brown tree. Cymek is the native home of the Cactacae people, these cactus-folk make up the majority of the peninsula’s population with the bulk of this community living in the two major cities and the rest scattered across the country in small desert tribes and villages throughout the region. The garuda people also call the Cymek home, although whether or not they originate from the desert is unknown. As nomads, the bird-folk have no permanent settlements, and their tribes migrate periodically in order to find

There are very few cities in Cymek itself. Shankell and Dreer Samher, are the two powerful city-states in Cymek proper, which influence the entire region through their mercantile might. Myrshock across the sea which is currently under Cymeki Empire control also offers passage to the north and on to New Crobuzon.


Sheikh Stands-In-Sun Solanum:
Solanum Dynasty 1353 - 1778AC (present)
Leader of Cymek (1770 - 1778AC)
Cactacae male

Shaykha Flowers-all-colours solanum
Solanum dynasty
Stands in Sun's wife
Cactacae female

Prince Bentham
Solanum dynasty
Heir to throne
Cactacae male infant

Vizier Long-Shanks Asterae:
House Asterae
Advisor to Solanum Dynasty 1770 - 1778AC (present)
Cactacae male

Jin'ra Strong-Branches Rutacea
House Rutacea
Cymeki Militia General 1764 - 1778 (present)
Cactacae Male

M'tyr Blooms-in-shade Solanum
Solanum dynasty 1353 - 1778AC (present)
master of coin (1770 - 1778)
cactacae Male

Family undisclosed
Spy master (1767 - 1778)
Cactacae female

Ambassador Ambyr Le'Roue
New Crobuzon representative 1776 - 1778
Human female

Seer Azreal
Family unknown
Royal sorceress (1676 - 1778)
Drow female

Sun Speaker Basks-In-Warmth Cymbidae
House Cymbidia
Religious advisor (1775 - 1778)
cactacae female


Territories under Solanum Dynasty rule are the continent of Cymek in it's entirety as well as all land west of the Galaggi Mountains and as far north as Myrshock.

Foreign Relations

Currently at peace with all major neighbouring nations. New Crobuzon is the only foreign nation to have a seat in the Tribunal of Light (which of course has upset Cymeki citizens and allies alike).

Mythology & Lore

Timeway Gods

The Timeway faith has been popular in the region near Shankell for some centuries, although it has a decent following in the lower Cymek as well. As such, it has many quirks that mark it as the faith of dessert-dwellers. Only in the last several decades has the religion made headway north of the Meagre Sea, including a small but growing presence in New Crobuzon. The deities associated with the Timeway pantheon come from a number of different ancient traditions, making the Timeway a sort of hodgepodge of faiths. The majority of its gods can be traced back to the cactacae, although some originate from tribal human and vodyanoi faiths. The central symbol and icon of the religion is the clock. On each timepiece, every hour is intertwined with the symbols of an associated god. Upon the striking of each hour, the associated deity is worshipped in his or her own temples. Most followers of the Timeway tradition follow one god in particular, and merely play lip service to the others.

Greater Deity Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Fire, Protection, Summer, Sun, Balance
Favored Weapon: Rivebow

The mighty sun god Sanshad is the chief deity in the Timeway tradition as well as The Order Of The Sun. He is seen neither as a helpful nor an evil deity, but simply as the provider of sunlight, (which is crucial for life, but can, after all, be deadly in its own right.) All things related to the sun, such as warmth, summer, and even fire fall under his purview.

Unlike the other deities of the pantheon, Sanshad is also revered as a singular deity in his own right by the Cymek Cactacae, with his own unique faith and traditions. He has always been the primary deity of the dessert cactacae, many of whom worship him and him alone (The Order of the Sun). The Cactacae of New Crobuzon practice this faith, which they dub “Sanshad-inCrobuzon.”

In the arid Cymek region, rain is a precious resource, and the prayers and thanks for its blessings go to Alzaln, the mistress of storms.

Wind is a constant force in the desert. Whether it will be a minor annoyance or a deadly obstacle is decided by Freyn. He is also seen as the god of wanderers and travelers.

Hytlal Ocean-based commerce is vital to much of the Cymek peninsula, and many sailors pray to Hytlal the sea god for favorable voyages.

Zarth The few crops that grow in the region are said to be a gift from Zarth, god of earth and agriculture.

As Sanshad rules the sweltering day, Luurn presides over the bitterly cold nights.

Srelalen Most every religion has a devil figure, in this case Srelalen, god of misfortune and, in particular, drought. Prayers to him are meant to appease his ill will.

The region’s few rivers are a crucial means of travel and are relied upon for water supplies. The goddess Te is said to watch over the streams and annual floods.

Thaumaturgy is the dominion of Brynth, the All-Sage.

Tegab is believed to be the shepherd of all herds, wildlife, and livestock.

The few cities in the Cymek region are vital sources of manufactured trade goods, and Graij is believed to watch over these cities and the merchants who travel to them.

Oases are said to be a gift from Emebb, the goddess who is also credited with gifting the faithful with all manner of positive happenstance and good fortune
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Bronze Stars
Silver Moons (50 Stars)
Gold Suns (10 Moons)
Major Exports
  • Silks
  • Tropical fruits
  • Alcohol
  • Iron
  • Steel
  • Gold
  • Diamonds & other precious stones
  • Slaves
  • Medicines & herbal products
Major Imports
  • Water
  • Exotic Produce
  • Animals
  • Medicines & herbal products
  • Wood
  • Technologies
  • Military Equiptment
Legislative Body
The Tribunal of Light
Sheikh Stands-In-Sun Solanum
Vizier Long-Shanks Asterae
Jin'ra Strong-Branches Rutacea
M'tyr Blooms-in-shade Solanum
Ambassador Ambyr Le'Roue
Seer Azreal
Sun Speaker Basks-In-Warmth Cymbidae
Judicial Body
The Tribunal of Light
Sheikh Stands-In-Sun Solanum
Vizier Long-Shanks Asterae
Jin'ra Strong-Branches Rutacea
M'tyr Blooms-in-shade Solanum
Ambassador Ambyr Le'Roue
Seer Azreal
Sun Speaker Basks-In-Warmth Cymbidae
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities