
Welcome to Maru’ahm, home of the Casino Parliament, where laws and bills are but stakes in the roulette game of life. Enjoy your stay.

The city of Maru’ahm lies on a small island approximately 100 miles off the western coats of Rohagi. It is connected to the mainland by the Grandbridge, one of the world’s most impressive engineering marvels. Maru’ahm controls vast swaths of the Galaggi Veldt, more so than their neighbor Tesh. Maru’ahm’s influence reaches several hundred miles inland. For the most part, this territory is only loosely governed, and consists mainly of farmland. The city proper is built mainly of steel and concrete. Many tall and lavish towers rise above the Maru’ahm cityscape, a testament to both the city’s exceptional architects and posh citizenry. Indeed, much of the city appears to be a huge summer playground for the wealthiest people of western Rohagi.

Demography and Population

human-dominant (92% human, 6% vodyanoi, 1% scabmettler, 1% other races).


While the city maintains enough of both ground troops and naval vessels to patrol and secure its territory, it is far from the greatest military power in Rohagi. Maru’ahm’s first line of defense is keeping its neighbors in a good mood with chorus girls and raucous good time.


Many of the old human gods popular in New Crobuzon, like Darioch and Solenton, have their own followings in Maru’ahm. Some call Maru’ahm the unofficial holy city of Salter

Trade & Transport

Maru’ahm has relatively few large trading partners, as the long and perilous voyage to eastern Rohagi prevents the city from doing much business with New Crobuzon or Myrshock. Nevertheless, its economy is robust, thanks mainly to the vast territories that the city commands. A small but significant portion of the nation’s overall income comes from foreign high-rollers who travel vast distances to partake in the city’s legendary casinos.
Legislative Body
The governmental system of Maru’ahm is by far its most defining attribute. When painted in broad strokes, not much would make Maru’ahm’s government stand out; it is ruled by a hereditary monarch, who, in actuality, holds little direct power. The primary functions of government are decided by the parliament. This all seems fairly straightforward… but the devil is in the details.

Once a year, the parliament begins its session, and the laws of the land are brought into review. However, when members of Maru’ahm’s parliament wish to make a change to the legal code, there is no debate, no appointment of committees, nor even any voting. No, in the Casino Parliament, everything hangs on the threads of fate. Laws, regulations, and legislation are decided purely by games of chance.

Senators wager bills and proposals over games like quincehand, black sevens, roulette, and grandbridge. Winners get their laws enacted; losers get nothing. Appointment to the parliament is done on a year-by-year basis, and powerful political factions often hire the best gamblers around to be their chosen senators. It is considered quite the honor to be hired to represent the Queen herself. High-rollers can also buy their way into parliament independently (although the price tag for this is staggering,) passing their own wild laws. Cheating in these games in strictly prohibited, but it is still a wildly common practice. Accusations of cheating are usually followed by a challenge to a duel – typically of the “ten paces then turn” variety.
Judicial Body
House Speaker
Sir Leonard Ralsburry
Proprietor of Lady Luck’s Bitch
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations