This is an alphabetical list of terms, names, places, etc. for the world. Unlike most of the World Anvil site this list will intermingle things written from a lore perspective, and meta knowledge/comments to give a clear definition/reminder of what things are. Note that your characters might not necessarily know everything listed.
Alalenora - Capital of Nove RezaanArlethenon - Alverion's celestial throne | Appears as a very large moon that is always visible directly above Bastion.
Athalon - Kingdom of the Fenvar
Calasten Crossing - Nearly mile long bridge over the Ringaduin | Only bridge between Nove Rezaan and Tasyod
Dun Badur - Dwarven hold | Second Hold to be founded
Dun Doral - Dwarven hold | Fifth hold to be founded
Dun Morag -First Dwarven hold | Founded by Grimnor Deepdelver
Ertonvosk - City on the Vikinmark side of the Righteous Span
Ilethanari - City on the Nove Rezaan side of the Righteous Span
Kaz Dorrin - Dwarven hold | Fourth Hold to be founded
Kaz Lodar - Dwarven hold | Sixth hold to be founded
Kem Boldahr - Dwarven kingdom under/in the mountain range of the same name
Keryarvik - City on the Tasyod side of Calesten Crossing
Nove Rezaan - Central kingdom of Bastion
Plimont - City on the coast of Beleg Lin in southeast Vikinmark
Righteous Span - Mile long bridge over the Ringaduin | Only bridge between Nove Rezaan and Vikinmark
Rosborg - (rohs borg) Capital of Vikenmark
Stavanger (stuv ang er) - Capital of Tasyod
Sundilin - (soon di lin) Capital of Athalon
Tasyod - Northwest kingdom of Bastion
Tel Dahrohm - Dwarven hold | Third hold to be founded | Current capital of Kem Boldahr
Thelvena - City on the coast of Beleg Lin in western Nove Rezaan
Thovkhal - The Goliath "kingdom"
Ulaserine - (youla serene) - City on the Nove Rezaan side of Celesten Crossing
Vikinmark - Western kingdom of Bastion
People / Beings / Named Creatures
Aeolith Zinwain - Alverion’s most devout follower | Exarch | The Prime ArlvarAlverion - God emperor of Bastion | a.k.a. Savior of All, The Illuminated Archon, The Divine One, and other titles
Grimnor Deepdelver - Peasant miner turned vanguard | Exarch | The Prime Dwarf
Grunnig Deepdelver - Descendant of Grimnor Deepdelver | Thane of Dun Morag in the sixth and seventh century AL
Halvard Tastad - General | Exarch | First king of Tasyod
Hilda Svendottir - Exarch | First queen of Vikinmark
Kral Shadowbeard - Dwarf | Founded Dun Badur
Merendaer Calithion Qinfaren Amakiir- Current Vicar of Light & King of Nove Rezaan
Krathag Stormeye Nola-Kukena - Sky tribe chieftain | Exarch | The Prime Goliath
Thornen Greyforge - Current king of Kem Boldahr | Current thane of Tel Dahrohm
Thuldak Deepdelver - Grandson of Grimnor Deepdelver | Thane of Dun Morag in the second and third century AL
Waxillium Ramstad - Current king of Tasyod
Yunesa Zinwain - Minor noble's daughter turned scout | Exarch | The Prime Fenvar
Terms / Etc
Arlvar - Modified high elves | Nobility in Nove Rezaan | Created by Alverion after the Crusade of LightAxantur - Appointed advisory position in a Rezzanian noble court | One who is an expert in the law | Often serves as a ruler's second in command
Barrier, The - The magical ring that surrounds Bastion
Bishop - Highest religious rank in a kingdom | Subordinate only to the Vicar of Light and Alverion
Crusade of Light - Alverion’s holy war to drive back the Shix and other terrors of the shadowed world
Deshvar - Modified half-high elves | Humans with Arlvar heritage within the last few generations
Dwarf - PHB dwarves with reduced lifespan | Created by Alverion after the Crusade of Light
Dwarven Hold - Dwarven "city states" occupying a single mountain but controlling vast mountain range and subterranean territory | Ruled by a Thane
Exarch - Title given to members of Alverion's inner circle during the Crusade of Light | The first rulers of the six kingdoms
Fenvar - Modified wood elves | Created by Alverion after the Crusade of Light
Goliath - Standard Volo's Goliath | Optional Half-Orc traits | Created by Alverion after the Crusade of Light
Halvfolk - What the serfs of Nove Rezaan call Deshvar
Hold - See Dwarven Hold
Human - Original race of the old world | Most numerous race in Bastion
Illuminated Texts - Church of Alverion’s holy book
Righteous, The - Those who fought in the Crusade of Light
Shix - Creatures of shadow and terror that were driven beyond The Barrier by Alverion’s Crusade of Light
Sparkborn - Term I use to describe any person that can use magic or magic-like abilities | Not a term used in-lore
Thane - Title for the ruler of a single Dwarven hold
Tigvar - Modified half-wood elves | Humans with Fenvar heritage within the last three or four generations
Time of Shadows - Time of darkness and terror before Alverion graced Bastion with his light
Vicar of Light - Alverion's highest ranking priest | Leader of Alverion's church
Athalon Timberland - Massive forest region in the southBeleg Lin - The great lake
Calduin - Large river which flows out of the central Kem Boldahr mountains | Passes through Alalenora
Cofduin - Large river which flows out of Beleg Lin in the southwest | Used by Alverion to designate the southern border of Vikinmark
Foroduin - Large river which flows from the barrier in the northwest | Used by Alverion to designate the western border of Tasyod
Hyarduin - Large river which flows out of the southern Kem Boldahr mountains | Used by Alverion to designate the southern border of Nove Rezaan
Kem Boldahr - Mountain range of Bastion which contains the Dwarven kingdom of the same name
Ringaduin - Large river which flows out of the northern Kem Boldahr mountains | Used by Alverion to designate the western border of Nove Rezan
Thovkhal Highlands - Harsh and rocky land the northeast | The lowest point in the highlands is roughly 16,000 feet above the surface of Beleg Lin
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