Astrid Stormrider

Astrid Stormrider, the current proprietor of the Salty Side Inn in Vespera, carries a remarkable tale of resilience and determination. Her parents tragically lost their lives in a boating accident when she was just a young child, leaving her orphaned and in the care of her beloved grandfather, Captain Aldric Stormrider. It was under his guidance and nurturing that Astrid discovered her love for the sea and the hospitality that comes with it.   Raised within the walls of the Salty Side Inn, Astrid imbibed the stories of sailors, adventurers, and travelers from across the realms. She absorbed the wisdom and knowledge passed down by her seafaring ancestors, who taught her the art of navigation, the secrets of the waves, and the importance of forging lasting connections with those who wander far from home.   Captain Aldric, a respected figure among sailors and an influential member of the Vespera community, recognized Astrid's natural charisma, sharp intellect, and determination to succeed. He became not only her guardian but also her mentor, instilling in her a deep appreciation for the ocean's mysteries and a desire to carry on the family legacy.   As Astrid grew into adulthood, her passion for hospitality blossomed, fueling her ambition to revitalize the Salty Side Inn and transform it into a haven for adventurers, sailors, and wanderers. She combined her innate sense of warmth and genuine care for others with the skills and knowledge imparted by her grandfather, ensuring that each guest who stepped into the inn felt like a valued part of the Stormrider family.  
Current Location
Year of Birth
572 CY 24 Years old
Current Residence
115 lbs
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