
The god of magic, Boccob, is neutral. His titles include the Uncaring, Lord of All Magics, and Archmage of the Deities. Boccob is a distant deity who promotes no special agenda in the world of mortals. As a god of magic and knowledge, he is worshiped by wizards, sorcerers, and sages. The domains he is associated with are Knowledge, Magic, and Trickery.   The quarterstaff is his favored weapon.  


The followers of Boccob are ascholarly group, comprising wizards, sorcerers, scholars, and clerics who are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and mastery of magic. His worshippers are often found in roles that involve study, research, and the teaching of arcane arts.  


Followers of Boccob often wear garments that reflect their scholarly pursuits, with shades of blue, purple, and silver. Their attire is typically adorned with symbols of magic, such as runes, stars, and arcane sigils. The emblem of an eye within a pentagon is a common symbol worn by his clerics and is often embroidered on their clothing or worn as a pendant.  


Boccob stands as a distant deity with no specific agenda, save for endorsing the supremacy of magic as the paramount force in the world—surpassing the significance of good, evil, law, or chaos. The majority of his clerics adhere to a strict state of neutrality. Guidance within one of their teachings urges followers of Boccob to strive for equilibrium, transcending the realms of good, evil, law, or chaos, and to resist the encroachment of either good or evil.   This unwavering moderation in matters of politics, ethics, and philosophy doesn't necessarily endear Boccob and his adherents to many. Nonetheless, the worshippers of Boccob command respect for their profound knowledge and magical abilities. While their counsel is valued, it is not always wholly trusted.  

Clergy and Temples

Boccob's clerics prefer attire in regal purple adorned with gold accents, with many embracing dual roles as cleric/wizards or cleric/sorcerers. Their inclination is to remain detached from worldly matters, dedicating themselves to magical research and the crafting of prophecies. They judiciously share glimpses of their knowledge of the future, wary of any imbalance that might arise if someone gains an advantage. Actively engaged in the creation of magical items, Boccob's clergy typically make these available for purchase to those with the necessary funds. In times of war, they willingly supply magical items to all factions.   The clerics of Boccob immerse themselves in quests for magical lore, the retrieval of lost magic items, and the unraveling of mysteries. They vehemently oppose any attempts to destroy a magical item or any place with magical significance. Boccob's temples, strategically situated in urban centers, are consistently fortified against external interference and boast extensive libraries. These sanctuaries are well-equipped with scrying devices, employed by the clergy to identify infiltrators and monitor the surrounding areas.   Visitors to a Boccob temple typically receive a reserved reception at best and are seldom truly welcomed unless they bring an extraordinary magic item for examination or possess the means to invest in spells, magic items, or information.  

Wizards and Sorcerers

Wizards and sorcerers who follow Boccob are deeply committed to the study and practice of magic. They often pursue complex and esoteric magical research, striving to unlock new spells and magical theories. These followers are highly respected for their expertise and contributions to the arcane community.  

Scholars and Researchers

Scholars and researchers who revere Boccob seek his blessings for insight and clarity in their studies. They often perform rituals and prayers to gain divine inspiration and guidance in their academic endeavors. These followers are essential to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in their societies.  

Temples and Holy Sites

Temples dedicated to Boccob are often grand and labyrinthine structures, filled with libraries, laboratories, and archives. These temples are adorned with symbols of magic and knowledge, serving as sanctuaries for those who seek to study and learn. The central altar of a Boccob temple usually features a large, intricately carved eye within a pentagon, symbolizing the god’s watchful presence and wisdom.  

Holy Days and Festivals

Day of Foresight: A sacred day where followers gather to celebrate the pursuit of knowledge and the power of foresight. This festival is marked by scholarly symposiums, magical demonstrations, and rituals to gain insight and wisdom.   The Arcane Conclave: A time of collaboration and sharing of knowledge among the followers of Boccob. Wizards, sorcerers, and scholars come together to discuss their research, share discoveries, and perform collaborative magical experiments.   Followers of Boccob must pray for spells within 1 hour of dusk.  
Boccob 2048
Alignment: Neutral   Domains: Magic, Knowledge, and Trickery   Portfolio: Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Foresight   Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff   Herald: 20th level wizard   Allies: Janni genies, invisible stalkers, and Huge elementals (any kind)
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