The Sons of the 7th Seal



The organization known as the Son's of the Seventh Seals, or simply the 7th Seal, was formed after the events of the Pestilence in 120 CY. It was founded by a group of 7 clerics each worshiping the 7 goodly gods of Edath. During the Pestilence they braved the The Lost Lands to keep creatures within at bay. Banding with local warriors, mages, and artificers, the clerics did gained wealth and power doing this work for the kings and nobles.   Eventually, the clerics established a base to the The Metropolis of Epoch and built the The Bastion of Ascension, a great sprawling cathedral that was the headquarters. The 7th Seal was born, recruiting members to go about the land and quest, bringing a tithe back to the church from their spoils.  

Joining the Seventh Seal

  The recruitment process of the Sons of the Seventh Seal follows a distinct and significant pattern. Every ten years, the organization seeks out new members from a pool of apprentices who have demonstrated their worthiness and garnered attention from the Seal. This carefully selected group of apprentices is evaluated based on their dedication, skills, and accomplishments in service to the cause of the 7th Seal.   Upon the culmination of this ten-year period, a pivotal event known as the Ascension Ceremony takes place. During this ceremony, four members of the 7th Seal are chosen to undergo a transformative journey through the Arch of Ascension. This ancient and mystical archway is believed to be a conduit to godhood.   As the four chosen members pass through the Arch of Ascension, a process of divine transformation commences. They undergo a profound metamorphosis, ascending to a higher plane of existence and becoming gods in their own right. This elevation frees up four spaces within the ranks of the 7th Seal, allowing for the inclusion of new members.   The Ascension Ceremony also serves as a solemn occasion to commemorate and honor fallen members of the 7th Seal. Those who have lost their lives in service to the cause, and have not been resurrected, create additional openings for new recruits.   This ten-year cycle of recruitment, evaluation, and the Ascension Ceremony reinforces the deep traditions and spiritual significance within the organization. It ensures a continuous influx of fresh talent while also commemorating the sacrifices and achievements of those who have come before.  


The organizational structure of the Sons of the Seventh Seal is designed to maintain a relatively limited number of members, never exceeding a total of 77 individuals. The leadership positions within the organization are well-defined and carry distinct responsibilities:   At the pinnacle of the hierarchy is the leader, known as the First Son. This individual holds authority over all military campaigns and serves as the chief diplomat for the 7th Seal, both within the Span and beyond. The First Son is responsible for making strategic decisions, coordinating missions, and representing the organization in matters of diplomacy.   Assisting the First Son are the three 2nd Sons (or daughters), who serve as their second-in-command. The 2nd Sons hold significant roles in diplomacy, acting as intermediaries and liaisons for the 7th Seal. While their diplomatic responsibilities may be on a lesser scale compared to the First Son, they play a crucial role in facilitating communication and negotiation.   The 7th Seal further benefits from the presence of seven 3rd Sons (or daughters), with one assigned to each of the gods of the Span. These 3rd Sons have the important duty of commanding and leading the rest of the 7th Seal in their various duties within the Span. They oversee and coordinate the activities of the organization, ensuring the fulfillment of their sacred obligations to each deity they represent.   By having a clear leadership structure with specific roles and responsibilities, the Sons of the Seventh Seal maintain a sense of order and direction within their ranks. The limited number of members ensures cohesion, efficiency, and effective decision-making. The distribution of responsibilities across the First Son, the 2nd Sons, and the 3rd Sons allows for the organization to carry out military campaigns, engage in diplomacy, and fulfill their duties to the gods of the Span in a coordinated and balanced manner.  

The Bastion and the 7th Seal

The construction of the The Bastion of Ascension, a magnificent cathedral dedicated to the seven gods of the Span, marks the humble beginnings of the Sons of the Seventh Seal. The first clerics of the order, driven by their devotion to the gods and their mission to protect the realm, took it upon themselves to build this grand structure.   The original founders of the 7th Seal, who were clerics devoted to the seven gods of the Span, recognized the need for a central base of operations. They envisioned a place where they could gather, study, strategize, and commune with the divine entities they revered. Thus, the construction of the Bastion of Ascension commenced.   As word spread about the order's noble cause and the magnificence of the Bastion being erected, clergy from various regions across the Span flocked to the site. These clergymen and women, drawn by their faith and the desire to be part of a noble endeavor, sought to contribute their knowledge, skills, and spiritual guidance to the burgeoning organization.   The Bastion soon became a beacon of knowledge, attracting scholars from far and wide who sought to unravel the mysteries of the gods and the secrets of the Lost Lands. In addition to the influx of clergy and scholars, warriors who recognized the importance of the 7th Seal's mission joined the ranks, offering their combat expertise and protection to the growing community within the Bastion.   Over time, the Bastion evolved into a bustling hub that housed not only the 70 members of the 7th Seal but also hundreds of clergy, scholars, and warriors. The expansive cathedral became a center of learning, worship, and strategic planning, fostering a rich environment for the exchange of ideas, spiritual enlightenment, and the honing of combat skills.   The presence of numerous clergymen, scholars, and warriors within the Bastion created a vibrant community dedicated to the shared cause of the 7th Seal. Their collective efforts and diverse talents helped fortify the organization, ensuring the continuity of its sacred mission to protect the realm from the perils of the Lost Lands.   Today, the Bastion of Ascension stands as a testament to the devotion, unity, and determination of the Sons of the Seventh Seal. It serves not only as their headquarters but also as a sanctuary that nurtures the spiritual growth, intellectual pursuits, and martial training of those within its hallowed walls.  

Member Authority

A member of the Seventh Seal's number one duty is to explore the pestilence and protect The Span from the creatures beyond. But the lands east of the wall are dangerous place as well and a troll in the forest can be more dangerous than a boogy man behind the wall. For this reason, the Seal also contracts work from the cities within the Span.   

The Laws and the 7th Seal

Members of the 7th Seal tend to be looked on favorably by citizens, seeing their station as an honorable one. But a member of the 7th seal member has no legal authroity over a citizen. 7th seal members are mercenaries and, unless deputized by a city, cannot enforce the Span's laws any more than another civilian.   

Member Benefits

Membership in the Bastion of Ascension brings numerous benefits to its members. Firstly, they gain access to a wide array of high-level magical items, enhancing their combat prowess and augmenting their abilities. The Bastion's extensive armory provides a wealth of enchanted weapons, armor, and artifacts that aid members in their quests and endeavors.   Additionally, the Bastion's teleportation sigils grant its members unparalleled convenience and mobility. These sigils enable swift transportation between various locations, allowing members to quickly respond to threats, embark on missions, or access distant regions with ease. This strategic advantage enhances their effectiveness as they navigate the realms they are sworn to protect.  

The Seal

Among the most coveted benefits is the possession of the powerful relic known as The Seal. This artifact, exclusive to members of the 7th Seal, embodies immense divine power. The Seal not only symbolizes their dedication to the cause but also grants them extraordinary abilities, such as heightened protection, divine guidance, and the ability to channel divine energy in their battles against evil. The Seal serves as a source of inspiration, strength, and spiritual connection, solidifying the bond between the members of the 7th Seal and the gods they serve.

In faith we trust, in unity we stand.

Founding Date
120 CY
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
7th Seal
Sons and Daughters
Leader Title
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