Brother Eadric

Brother Eadric Hearthorne is a devoted cleric of Pelor, the God of the Sun and Healing. Living in the serene lakeside city of Vespera, he finds solace and purpose within the walls of the Vespera Cathedral of Pelor. At the age of 20, Eadric dedicates himself to tending to the menial tasks and assisting the senior clergy, serving Pelor and the community with unwavering devotion. Eadric's journey to becoming a cleric began with a painful and unjust accusation. When he was just 17 years old, he found himself entangled in a web of deceit spun by a scorned lover. Falsely accused of a crime he did not commit, Eadric's reputation and good name were tarnished, casting a shadow over his life.   Overwhelmed by despair and seeking solace, Eadric turned to the faith of Pelor, finding comfort and guidance within the teachings of the sun deity. Moved by a deep desire to prove his innocence and reclaim his honor, Eadric made the life-altering decision to join the church and devote himself to Pelor's service.   Entering the priesthood, Eadric sought redemption, both in the eyes of the community and within his own soul. Under the guidance of the senior clergy at the Vespera Cathedral of Pelor, he embarked on a path of spiritual growth, dedicating himself to prayer, study, and the fulfillment of his clerical duties. Despite the menial tasks assigned to him, Eadric performed them diligently, seeing each duty as an opportunity for penance and personal growth.   Brother Eadric Hearthorne became known for his unwavering faith, compassion, and unwavering dedication to Pelor's teachings. His gentle demeanor, combined with his innate healing abilities, made him an invaluable asset to the cathedral and the community it served. Eadric tirelessly tended to the sick and wounded, offering solace, comfort, and the healing touch of Pelor to all who sought it.   While Eadric has found solace and purpose within the church, his desire for justice and to clear his name remains a driving force in his life. He seeks opportunities to uncover the truth behind the false accusations that stained his reputation, hoping to find evidence that will restore his good name and prove his innocence. Eadric is determined to bring to light the machinations of his scorned lover and regain the honor he was unjustly stripped of.   With unwavering faith in Pelor's guiding light, Brother Eadric Hearthorne continues to serve the people of Vespera with humility, compassion, and a burning resolve to reclaim his good name. As he tends to the needs of the cathedral and the community, Eadric remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice, never losing sight of his ultimate goal of redemption and vindication.

Brother Eadric CR 2

Male Human Cleric of Pelor 2
NG Medium humanoid
Init -1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Abyssal, Common, Celestial
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18
(Dex -1, +5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 10 (2 HD)
Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +5
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee mwk mace +3 ( 1d8+1 )
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Special Actions Turn undead, spontaneous casting (healing)
Combat Gear Wand of cure light wounds (10), potion of shield of faith
Cleric Spells Prepared(CL 4th):
  • 1st - shield of faith, bless, bless water
  • 0 - Light, create water, read magic

Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16
Feats Combat Casting, Skill Focus (knowledge religion)
Skills Concentration +5, Knowledge (religion) +7, Spelcraft +
Possessions combat gear plus mwk chainmail, mwk mace, mwk heavy steel shield
Current Location
Year of Birth
571 CY 25 Years old
6' 6"
210 lbs
Aligned Organization
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