Brother Mathias

  Brother Mathias Hawthorne was born and raised in @mistwall, the son of a farmer and a seamstress. From a young age, he showed a deep devotion to Pelor, the god of the sun, and spent much of his time helping out at the local temple. As he grew older, he felt a calling to dedicate his life to the service of Pelor, and left his family and the town he loved to become a cleric.   Mathias' journey took him to the The Metropolis of Epoch, where he joined the guild of the Sons of the Seventh Seal, a group of clerics dedicated to the protection of the city's citizens and the spread of Pelor's teachings. Under the tutelage of the guild's leaders, Mathias honed his skills as a healer and a warrior, becoming a powerful force for good in the city.   However, there was one thing that Mathias could never forget: the girl he left behind in Mistwall. Her name was Isabella, and she was the daughter of a neighboring farmer. Mathias and Isabella had grown up together, and as they got older, their friendship turned into something more. They had dreamed of a life together, but when Mathias left to pursue his calling, they were forced to part ways.   Mathias thought about Isabella often, but he knew that he could never go back to Mistwall. His duty to Pelor and the people of Epoch came first, and he knew that he could not abandon his new life for the sake of his old love.   Years passed, and Mathias became a respected member of the Sons of the Seventh Seal. He had saved countless lives and helped to spread Pelor's teachings throughout the city. But one day, he received a letter from Isabella. She wrote of how she had married another man, a wealthy merchant from a neighboring town, but how she still thought of Mathias every day. She begged him to come back to Mistwall, to see her one last time before she died.   Mathias was torn. He knew that he could not abandon his duties in Epoch, but he also could not bear the thought of Isabella dying without seeing her one last time. In the end, he made the difficult decision to leave the guild and return to Mistwall. He spent several precious days with Isabella, and they reminisced about their youth and the life they could have had together. But in the end, Isabella passed away in his arms, leaving Mathias to grieve for the life that might have been.   Heartbroken, Mathias returned to Epoch, where he threw himself into his work with renewed vigor. He knew that he could never forget Isabella, but he also knew that he had a duty to Pelor and the people of the city. And so he continued to serve as a cleric of the Sons of the Seventh Seal, using his skills to heal the wounded and protect the innocent, all the while carrying the memory of his lost love in his heart.
Age: 32   Height: 6'2"   Weight: 195 lbs.   Deity: Pelor   Statblock: Brother Mathias
543 CY 591 CY 48 years old
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