
Drakemar: The Jewel of Nualtian

General Information

Continent: Nualtian
Region: Dianthon
Population: 25,000
Ruling Monarch: King Araldorn IV
Heir to the Throne: Prince Kaelen
Primary Inhabitants: Valterans and Diathrans


Drakemar, the capital of Nuvaltian, stands as a beacon of civilization and power on the continent of Nualtian. Settled in 116 CY by the Valterans, this thriving city has quickly grown into a formidable hub of trade, culture, and military strength. With a population of 25,000, Drakemar is a melting pot of Valterans, the original settlers, and Diathrans who have sought refuge from their harsher homelands.  


  Drakemar was established during the great migration from Valtera across the Endless Vastness when the Son's of the Seventh seal began building the Bastion of Ascension. It was a perilous journey that brought the settlers to the uncharted lands of Nualtian. The early years were marked by fierce battles with the native orc tribes, who had long dominated the land. Under the leadership of King Araldorn IV, the humans successfully routed the orcs back to the mainland, securing their claim to Nualtian.   The city itself was constructed atop the ruins of an ancient civilization, long lost to time. The foundations of Drakemar's grand castles and walls are said to be built on the bones of forgotten gods, giving the city an air of mystique and power. Over the past two decades, Drakemar has blossomed into a thriving metropolis, drawing settlers from all corners of the known world.  

Geography and Layout

Drakemar is situated at a strategic point on Nualtian, where the lush forests of Dianthon meet the rugged coastline. The city's natural harbor, sheltered by towering cliffs, has made it a vital port for ships arriving from Valtera across the Endless Vastness. Drakemar's streets are a blend of Valteran architecture, characterized by grand stone buildings and soaring spires, and the more practical, rustic designs of the Diathrans who have settled here.   The city is divided into several districts:   The Royal District: Home to the grand palace of King Araldorn IV, this district is a fortress within the city. High walls and vigilant guards ensure the safety of the royal family and their court.   The Market Quarter: A bustling center of commerce, where merchants from across Nualtian and beyond trade goods, from exotic spices and silks to robust weapons and armor.   The Docklands: The lifeblood of Drakemar, this district houses the city's ports and shipyards. Here, massive vessels from Valtera are loaded and unloaded, bringing new settlers, supplies, and news from across the sea.   The Old Quarter: This part of the city is built atop the ancient ruins that once dotted the landscape. It is a place of mystery, with winding streets and hidden alcoves that seem to shift with the moon's phases.  

Culture and Society

Drakemar's society is a blend of the refined culture of the Valterans and the hardy, pragmatic ways of the Diathrans. The Valterans have brought their traditions of art, music, and literature, while the Diathrans contribute their deep knowledge of the land and survival skills. The city is known for its grand festivals, where these two cultures come together to celebrate their shared heritage and newfound unity.   The people of Drakemar are fiercely loyal to King Araldorn IV, who is seen as a wise and just ruler. Prince Kaelen, the heir to the throne, is well-loved by the people, admired for his bravery and dedication to the kingdom.  


Drakemar's economy is thriving, thanks to its strategic location and access to the sea. The city's ports are always bustling with activity, as goods flow in and out from Valtera and other distant lands. Agriculture is also a vital part of the economy, with fertile fields just outside the city providing a steady supply of food.   The city is also a center for crafting and blacksmithing, with the Diathrans' expertise in these areas leading to the production of some of the finest weapons and armor in the region.  


The military of Drakemar is a formidable force, hardened by years of conflict with the orc tribes. The city is heavily fortified, with towering walls and a well-trained garrison ready to defend the kingdom at a moment's notice. The navy, based in the Docklands, is also a key part of the city's defense, ensuring that the waters around Nualtian remain safe from pirates and other threats.
Founding Date
116 CY
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