King Araldorn IV

As you approach the grand hall of the castle, the sheer opulence of the place strikes you. Tall pillars of white marble reach towards the high ceiling, and tapestries depicting the kingdom's glorious past line the walls. The air is thick with the scent of incense and the low murmur of courtiers and advisors discussing the kingdom's affairs. A herald announces your presence, and the massive wooden doors swing open to reveal the throne room. At the far end, seated upon a grand golden throne adorned with jewels, is King Araldorn IV. His regal bearing is undeniable, his eyes sharp and filled with a mixture of worry and determination. He rises as you approach, his ornate robes flowing gracefully with each step.   "Welcome, brave adventurers," the king begins, his voice resonant and commanding. "I am King Araldorn IV, and I have summoned you here for a matter of utmost urgency and great personal concern."   He pauses, looking each of you in the eye, as if measuring your worth. "My son, Prince Kaelan, has gone missing. Against my orders, he ventured into the dense jungles to seek out the ruins of old Diatheon City. It has been a fortnight since he left, and despite my best efforts, my wyvern riders have been unable to locate him through the thick canopy of the jungle."   The king's face hardens with resolve. "I cannot afford to lose him. He is my first-born, the heir to the throne, and his well-being is crucial to the stability of our kingdom. I ask you to find him and bring him back safely."   King Araldorn steps forward, extending a sealed scroll. "Here are the last known coordinates of his expedition, as well as any information we have gathered about the region. You will be handsomely rewarded for your service, and you will have my eternal gratitude. Time is of the essence. Go now, and may the gods guide your path."   With a final nod, the king dismisses you, and you can feel the weight of the task ahead settling on your shoulders as you prepare to embark on this perilous journey into the heart of the jungle.

Human Aristocrat 13 CR12 1d20

NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init 1d20+1 ; Senses Listen +6, Spot +
Languages Common, Draconic, Terran
AC 27, touch9, flat-footed 30
hp 62 (13 HD)
Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +16
Speed 20ft.
Melee +4 Longsword 1d20+13 / 1d20+8 ( 1d8+7 /19-20 x2)or
Ranged mwk composite longbow (+4) 1d20+7 / 1d20+2 ( 1d8+3 /x3)
Base Atk +9, Grp +12
Attack Options
Special Actions
Combat Gear Potion of Cure ModerateWounds 3d8+5 , Oil Greater Magic Weapon (CL5), Oil of Shield of Faith (CL8), Potion of Blur (CL5)
Abilities Str 17 Dex 5 Con 11 Int 15 Wis 14 Cha 26
Feats Weapon Focus (longsword), Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, persuasive, force of personality, negotiator
Skills , Appraise +5, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +26, Forgery +4, Gather Information +10, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +6, Listen +5, Perform +11, Ride +8, Sense Motive +10, Speak Language +5, Spot +6, Survival +6
Equipment +4 Longsword, mwk composite longbow (+4), +1 mithril fullplate, ring of protection +2, +3 large steel shield, belt of giant's strength +4, amulet of health +4, cloak of charisma +6, plus 35g, 24500g (banked)
5' 11"
Ruled Locations
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