Heironeous (Hi-ro-nee-us)

Heironeous is the Lawful Good god of chivalry, justice, and honor. His divine presence embodies the ideals of righteousness and noble warfare, guiding those who seek to uphold justice and protect the innocent. Heironeous’ influence is felt in every act of bravery, every quest for justice, and every battle fought in the name of honor.  


Heironeous’ holy symbol is a lightning bolt crossed with a silver sword, representing the god’s might in battle and his unwavering commitment to justice and honor.  


The followers of Heironeous are a dedicated and noble group, comprising paladins, knights, warriors, and clerics who are devoted to the pursuit of justice and the protection of the weak. His worshippers are often found in roles that involve leadership, combat, and the upholding of righteous principles.  


Followers of Heironeous often wear garments that reflect their dedication to chivalry and justice, with shades of silver, blue, and white. Their attire is typically adorned with symbols of swords, shields, and lightning bolts. The emblem of a lightning bolt crossed with a silver sword is a common symbol worn by his clerics and is often embroidered on their clothing or worn as a pendant.  

Clerics of Heironeous

Clerics of Heironeous are devoted to the god’s mission of upholding justice and protecting the innocent. They often serve as judges, leaders, and advisors within their communities, guiding others to live honorably and righteously. These clerics are known for their unwavering commitment to the principles of law and justice, working tirelessly to ensure that righteousness prevails.  

Paladins and Knights

Paladins and knights who follow Heironeous are deeply committed to the ideals of chivalry, honor, and noble warfare. They often embark on quests to vanquish evil, protect the innocent, and uphold justice. These followers are highly respected for their bravery, honor, and dedication to the cause of righteousness.  

Warriors and Guardians

Warriors and guardians who revere Heironeous seek his blessings for strength and protection in battle. They often perform rituals and prayers to gain divine favor in their quests and combats. These followers embody the valorous and protective spirit of Heironeous, standing as bulwarks against injustice and evil.  

Temples and Holy Sites

Temples dedicated to Heironeous are often grand and fortified structures, designed to inspire courage and honor. These temples are adorned with symbols of swords, shields, and lightning bolts, serving as training grounds and sanctuaries for those who seek to uphold justice. The central altar of a Heironeous temple usually features a large, carved lightning bolt crossed with a silver sword, symbolizing the god’s might and righteousness.  

Holy Days and Festivals

The Day of Valor: A sacred day where followers gather to celebrate the ideals of bravery, honor, and justice. This festival is marked by martial tournaments, knightly quests, and rituals to honor Heironeous’ blessings of courage and righteousness.   The Vigil of the Silver Sword: A time of reflection and recommitment to the principles of chivalry and justice. Followers participate in vigils, ceremonies, and challenges to prove their dedication to Heironeous’ ideals.  

Reverence and Worship

People across The Span revere Heironeous for his blessings of justice, bravery, and protection. His followers seek his guidance and protection during times of conflict, combat, and quests for justice. Heironeous’ presence is a source of strength and inspiration, motivating his worshippers to uphold the ideals of honor, chivalry, and righteousness in all their endeavors.   Followers of Heironeous must pray for spells within 1 hour of high noon.
Alignment: Lawful Good   Domains: Good, Protection, and Trickery   Favored Weapon: Longsword (formerly the battleaxe)   Herald: Solar   Allies: Hound archons, trumpet archons, and hound archon
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