
Mara was born in a small village on the outskirts of Driftwood. Her parents were farmers, and Mara was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, from a young age, Mara was restless and longed for adventure. She would sneak away from her chores to explore the woods and imagine herself as a brave hero on a grand quest.   As Mara grew older, her restlessness turned into rebellion. She started to push back against her parents' expectations, and soon she was running away from home to join a gang of thieves and outlaws. Mara proved to be a quick learner, and she quickly became one of the gang's most trusted members. Together, they would rob travelers on the road, break into homes, and cause all manner of mischief.   However, Mara soon began to realize that the outlaw life was not as glamorous as she had imagined. She saw the toll it was taking on her fellow gang members, many of whom ended up dead or in prison. Mara herself had a close call with the law, and she knew that she needed to make a change before it was too late.
One day, Mara stumbled upon an abandoned building in Driftwood's Market District. The building was run-down and neglected, but Mara saw potential. She began to imagine it as a tavern, a place where people could come together and share stories over a pint of ale. Mara decided then and there that she would turn her life around and make something of herself.   Mara spent the next few years learning everything she could about cooking, brewing, and running a business. She cleaned up the old building and transformed it into a cozy tavern, decorating it with mismatched furniture and hanging a large sign outside featuring a stylized dragon sipping from a mug of ale. Mara's outgoing personality and gift for storytelling made her a beloved figure in the community, and her tavern became a gathering place for people from all walks of life.   Mara still has her moments of restlessness and a mischievous streak, but she's proud of how far she's come and grateful for the second chance she's been given. She sees The Typsy Dragon as more than just a tavern - it's a symbol of her own personal transformation, and a place where anyone can find a warm welcome and a good meal.
Current Location
Year of Birth
560 CY 36 Years old
107 lbs
Ruled Locations
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