Octavius Coppershield

Octavius Coppershield, the catchpole of the bustling city of Epoch, has built his reputation through a combination of shrewd financial acumen and an unwavering dedication to the city's coffers. Born into a modest family, Octavius displayed an early affinity for numbers and commerce. As he matured, his skills became evident, and he soon found himself drawn to the world of finance and taxation.   Starting as a junior clerk in the city's treasury, Octavius quickly rose through the ranks due to his meticulous record-keeping and an innate ability to navigate the intricate web of tax laws. Over the years, he developed a no-nonsense approach to his duties, earning him both admiration and fear among the city's residents. Octavius is known for his keen insight into the city's economic landscape, always staying one step ahead in devising strategies to maximize revenue for the betterment of Epoch.   While some view Octavius as an indispensable guardian of the city's financial health, others criticize him for his unyielding pursuit of tax collection, claiming that he lacks empathy for those struggling in the shadows of Epoch's prosperity. Regardless, Octavius Coppershield remains a powerful figure in the city's administration, overseeing the intricate dance of wealth and taxation that defines life in Epoch.
130 lbs
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