The Church of Hextor


Congregations of Hextorians are prevalent in Vonsea, where Hextor's church is the head religion. Non-evil followers value the security and order Hextor offers, believing harsh measures are necessary for perfect justice. They prefer education over force, using the latter only when needed. They see slavery as essential for civilization, advocating proper care for slaves while expecting absolute obedience.    


The clergy of Hextor traditionally wear blood-red and black robes. They often collaborate with devils, sometimes under the patronage of Hell's Dukes, like Zbavra, a cleric now serving in Mammon's court. The church's head is Grenell I, Overking of the North Kingdom.   Similar to Heironeous, Hextor's priesthood has a strict hierarchy. Titles include Scourge of the Third, Second, and First Ranks, Champion of Tyranny, Knight Terrible, Knight Horrible, Knight Malevolent, and Knight Tyrant. Senior priests are Patriarchs or Matriarchs, while those commanding armies are Patriarch-Generals.     Knight Terrible 
The first rank of knights of Hextor, the lowest of the order. But, their station still grants them status amongst the nobility and civilians of Vonsea.    Knight Horrible
The Second Rank of knights of Hextor. After a year of servitude, a knight is put through the trials of the Ebony Citadel. If victorious, they ascend to this rank. If they fail, they are lashed and whipped for failure and may take the trials once again upon the moon's new cycle.    Knight Malevolent
The Third Rank of knights of Hextor. These knights have proven themselves time and time again to the point that Hextor's Herald,
Religious, Organised Religion
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