Mahkon Zenn

Scourge of the First, Knight-Tyrant

Markon Zenn, the ruler of Vonsea, is a figure shrouded in fear and infamy, known to Vonseans as the Knight-Tyrant and the Scourge of the First. Thanks to devine intervention, his rule over the city is marked by an iron grip for over 5 centuries. Zenn's reign began in the darkest days of Vonsea, when the devastating pestilence threatened to consume the city. In those desperate times, he erected the magical barrier that now surrounds Vonsea, a feat that cemented his authority.   Zenn's appearance reflects his sinister nature; his armor is an intricate masterpiece of dark metal, adorned with the sigils and insignias of Hextor. His eyes, cold and calculating, seem to pierce the very soul of anyone who meets his gaze. His face, although showing the signs of age, remains resolute and stern, a mask of indomitable will. The aura of dread that surrounds him is palpable, a testament to the countless lives he has crushed under his heel to maintain his dominion.   Commanding the Champions of Hextor, an elite cadre of warriors sworn to his dark god, Zenn's power is both immense and terrifying. These champions, clad in black and crimson armor, serve as his enforcers and executors, their loyalty absolute and their prowess unmatched. Under their command, the armies of Vonsea are a disciplined and formidable force, their every move orchestrated to further Zenn's sinister objectives.   Zenn's primary ambition is the fall of the Bastion of Ascension. The bastion stands as the last significant obstacle in his path to total dominance. Zenn's hatred for the bastion and its defenders is deep and personal, and his strategies to bring about its downfall are as relentless as they are brutal. His obsession with the bastion's destruction is matched only by his desire to sever the portal to Demogorgon's realm, a gateway that has brought nothing but chaos and ruin to Vonsea.   Once these obstacles are eradicated, Zenn's vision is to restore Vonsea to its former glory as the capital of Valtera, a kingdom that once thrived under a different banner but now lies in the shadow of his dark reign. To achieve this, Zenn employs all manner of dark arts, political machinations, and sheer military might. His life, unnaturally extended by the powers he serves, is dedicated to this singular goal, his every action a step towards the realization of his twisted vision.   In the streets of Vonsea, the influence of Markon Zenn is felt everywhere. The city's inhabitants live under the constant surveillance of his soldiers and the ever-present threat of his champions' wrath. The magical barrier that once protected them from the pestilence now serves as a reminder of Zenn's omnipotence, an inescapable symbol of his undying rule. The air is thick with the fear and oppression that define life in Vonsea, a city held captive by the dark will of the Knight-Tyrant.  
Current Location
Current Residence
The Ebony Citadel
6' 6"
Aligned Organization
Last Bastion Homepage