The Machina Divinity

The Machina Divinity is a remarkable artifact of the Sons of the Seventh Seal, possessing the ability to harness the power of the Seal and amplify its enchantments. This sacred object takes the form of an intricately crafted pedestal or platform, designed specifically to accommodate the hand bearing the Seal of a member of the 7th Seal.   When a member places their hand, adorned with the Seal, upon the Machina Divinity, a profound connection is established between the bearer and the artifact. The Machina Divinity acts as a conduit, allowing the bearer to channel their own divine essence and direct it through the Seal. This connection enables the member to manipulate and alter the enchantments of the Seal at will.   With the touch of their hand, the bearer of the Seal can access the latent power within the artifact and modify the enchantments that reside within the rings. This ability grants them unprecedented versatility and adaptability in their divine abilities, allowing them to adjust the properties and focus of their powers according to the specific needs of a given situation.   By interacting with the Machina Divinity, members of the 7th Seal can seamlessly adjust their enchanted capabilities, enhancing their defenses, augmenting their offensive capabilities, or fine-tuning their abilities to suit the challenges they face. This flexibility empowers them to respond swiftly and effectively to various threats, optimizing their divine potential to fulfill their sacred duties as protectors of the realm.   The Machina Divinity, as both a conduit and catalyst for the power of the Seal, symbolizes the members' mastery over their own divine essence. It embodies their ability to shape and harness their potential, reflecting the ongoing evolution and growth of the 7th Seal as a force dedicated to the preservation of peace, justice, and the light of the gods.   Setting Bonuses. Once per day, a character can use the Machina Divinity to set their Seal. When doing so they can adjust the following based off their.

Ability Bonus (Seal Rank 1): A character is granted a sacred bonus to an ability score equal to 1 + half of their Seal Rank (rounded up).
Skill Bonus (Seal Rank 1): A character is granted a sacred bonus to a skill equal to 3 + their Seal Rank
Bonus Feat (Seal Rank 2): Improved Toughness, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, or Iron Will
Seal Power (Seal Rank 3): The character can choose between the following Seal powers granted below
Insight of Boccob
Once per day as a swift action, the character can grant themselves a competence bonus to a knowledge or spellcraft skill equal to 3 + their HD. This lasts for 10 minutes.
Deftness of Corellon
You are granted a sacred bonus to attacks equal to your Seal Rank
Shield of Ehlonna
Once per day as a standard action, create an invisible shield around yourself granting temporary hitpoints equal to your HD +5, these temporary hit points last for 1 hour per HD.
Retribution of Heironeous
As a immediate action, after you successfully attack an enemy, deal holy damage equal to your HD. You can use this a number of times per day equal to your Seal Rank.
Power of Kord
When grappling, you are considered a large creature, and no longer provoke attacks of opportity. Also you are granted a sacred bonus to grapple checks equal to your Seal Rank.
Hands of Pelor
As a standard action, the character is able to pull from a pool of healing points to heal themselves or others. The pool is equal to 5xHD and refreshes every morning at Dawn.
Judgement of St. Cuthbert
Once per day, you can designate one evil creature as your enemy. You gain your seal rank in a sacred bonus to AC and damage damage agaist that enemy for 1 minute.
Ability Bonus (Seal Rank 4): You gain a second sacred bonus to an ability equal to your Seal Rank bonus -2.
Second Seal Power (Seal Rank 5): You may take a second Seal Power. You may not take the same power twice.
Spell of the Seal (Seal Rank 6): You may take a bonus spell from any of the gods of the 7, that is your rank level or lower. The DC on the spell is 10 + half your HD + your Wisdom mod. You must choose your spell from the following domains.
Boccob: Knowledge, Magic, Trickery
Corellon Larethian: Chaos, Good
Ehlonna: Animal, Plant
Heironeous: Law, War
Kord: Luck, Strength
Pelor: Healing, Sun
St. Cuthbert Destruction, Protection
Third Seal Power (Seal Rank 7): You may choose a third Power Translocation (Seal Power 7): You may cast Planeshift 1/day.
Item type
Unique Artifact
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