The Seal

The Seal, the revered relic possessed by the members of The Sons of the 7th Seal , is a remarkable artifact of great mystery and power. Intricately crafted, its origins remain shrouded in enigma, unknown even to the most senior members of the organization. However, rumors persist that the Seal was forged by Moradin, the Dwarven deity of craftsmanship, enchanted by Boccob, the god of magic, and infused with the divine power of the seven gods of the realm.   The Seal itself is a multi-layered symbol, consisting of seven interlocking rings, each representing one of the gods of the realm. It is a tangible representation of the bond between the members of the 7th Seal and the divine forces they serve. The rings of the Seal radiate with a divine glow, imbued with an ethereal energy that resonates with the members' devotion and connection to the gods.   Within the Bastion of Ascension, the Seal holds even greater significance. As members ascend through the ranks, progressing from one level to the next, their Seal evolves and unlocks additional power. The Bastion features seven distinct levels, each corresponding to one of the gods and representing a stage of personal and spiritual growth. The First, Second, and Third Sons, who hold the highest leadership positions, are always at the pinnacle of the hierarchy, bearing level 7 Seals that embody immense divine potency.   The exact capabilities and functions of the Seal remain a closely guarded secret, known only to those who have attained the highest levels of the 7th Seal. However, it is whispered that the Seal grants its bearers extraordinary abilities, including enhanced protection, divine guidance, and the ability to channel the immense power of the gods in their quests and battles against darkness.   Thus, the Seal stands as both a symbol of devotion and a source of immense power for the members of the 7th Seal. It embodies the divine essence of the gods, represents the highest levels of achievement within the organization, and serves as a conduit for channeling the forces of light and righteousness in their ongoing mission to protect the realm.

Powers of the Seal


Divine Powers

  These separated into 3 types. Offense, Defense, and Support, and one Ultimate at Rank 7. Powers with charges are recharged when you use The Machina Divinity to recharge your seal. An Ultimate power shuts down your Seal for it's duration, meaning you cannot cast any other powers during this time (kord's Inner strength is an exception).  


Force Blast Offense. As a standard action, you may make an ranged touch attack against a creature that deals 1d4 damage per highest level evocation spell you have unspent, max 3d4 . Taking this power multiple times increases the die size by one to a max of d8s.
Arcane Aegis Defense. Gain a number of temporary hitpoints equal to 10+ intelligence modifier when you memorize your spells for the day. These hitpoints last until you memorize spells again.
Visions of Magic Support. 2 charge cast Arcane Sight as a CL equal to your character level. Taking this multiple times increases the number of charges by one.
Arcane Fire Ultimate. As a standard action, create a 20 ft radius within 120 ft. Magic missiles shoot from the sky dealing 5d6 force damage to everyone in the area, no save. This lasts for 10 rounds. An enemy under the effects of a shield spell is immune to this damage. Spellcasting in the area requiers a Concentration check DC 10 + half last damage dealt or lose the spell.  


Precise Strikes. Offense. You gain 2 charges of keen edge. Expending 1 charge as a CL equal to your character level. Taking this multiple times increases the number of charges by another 2.
Elven Deftness. Defense. You gain 2 Charges, as an immediate action, expend 1 charge to gain +5 dodge bonus for a number of rounds equal to character level. Taking this multiple times increases the number of charges by 2. This can only be used on one opponent per round.
Prayers of the Moon. Support. Gain 3 charges of commune once per night under the moonlit skies.
Corellon's Gift. Ultimate. You glow with an otherworldly ethereal aura and shine as if under moonlight. For 10 rounds, you gain a +5 dodge bonus, and your threat range is doubled. All attacks during the duration deal an additional 4d4 force damage.  


Jaws of the Beast. Offense Gain 2 charges summon a celestial creature per Summon natures ally II. Taking this multiple times increases the level of summon monster by 1.
Natural Armor. Defense. 2 charge of cast barkskin at a CL of your character level
Animal Friend. Support. 3 charges of t animal trance with a CL equal to character level. Taking this multiple times increases the number of times per day by 3.
Ehlonna's Mare. Ultimate As a standard acction, you gain the service of a Celestial Chargerfor 10 rounds. The charger appears within 30 ft of you and goes on the round after yours. The charger does it's best to protect you and your allies, though it will not take evil actions and is under no compulsion to serve the Seal Bearer.  


Lightning Sheath. Offence. Gain 2 charges. As a standard action, sheath a weapon 1 round per character level deal 2d6 lightning damage when attacking with that weapon. Taking this multiple times increases the number of times per day by 2.
Reinforce Armor. Defense. Gain 2 charges of Magic Vestment cast at your character level. Each time you take this power you gain 2 additional charges.
Zone of Truth. Support. 2 charges of Zone of Truth with a CL equal to character level. Taking this multiple times increases the number of charges by 1.
Thundering Charge Ultimate As a standard action, You choose a spot within 120 ft. A bolt of lightning comes down from the sky, dealing 10d6 lightning damage to all within 15 ft, reflex halfs the damage, and teleportsyou to that location. All within the area must also succeed on a Fortitude saving throw, or be pushed back 10 ft and knocked prone. DC 23 for both reflex and fortitude saves.  


Brawler. Offence. 2 charges as an immediate action a character imbuse their strength gaining the ablility to Constrict while grappling an opponet dealing 2d8+stength damage. This lasts for 1 minute per character level. Taking this multiple times increases the number of charges by 2.
Titan Wrestler. Defense. Gain 2 charges. Expending 1 charge as an immediate action, gain a +8 to escape grapple checks for 1 minute per character level. Taking this multiple times increases the charges by 1.
Inner Strength. Support. You are treated as a creature one size larger when it comes to carrying, lifting, and encumberance. You may take this power twice, increasing your consideration by 2 steps. ie. Medium to huge.
Kord's Might. Ultimate As an immediate action, you imbue your strength for 7 rounds. If you strike an enemy with an unarmed attack, your fists deal 1d8+10 bludgeoning damage. In addition, you can start a grapple as a free action equal to 1d20+38 , if successful you fling your foe 20 ft and they are dealt an additional 8d6 bludgeoning damage on impact. Colossal creatures cannot be thrown in this way. You are considered a huge creature for purposes of other grapple checks.  


Sun Sheathe. Offense. Gain 2 charges. Expend 1 charge as a standard action, sheath a weapon for 1 round per character level deal 2d6 holy damage to non good creatures when attacking with that weapon. Taking this multiple times increases the number of Charges by 1.
Divine Mending. Defense. Gain 2 charges. Expend 1 charge as a as a standard action, Grant a creature Fast Healing 10 for 1 round per chracter level. Taking this multiple times improves the fast healing by 10 points.
Grant Power. Support. Gain 1 charge to cast Imbue with Spell Ability. This power can only be taken once.
Pelor's Avatar. Ultimate You channel the light of the sun god through your body. As a standard action, you errupt in holy fire dealing 5d6 fire damage to all enemies with 15 feet. For 10 rounds, your touch heals 4d8+15 , and damages undead as a cure spell. Additionally, all allies gain fast healing of 3 if they are within 15 feet.  

St. Cuthbert

Champion Smite. Offense. Gain 1 charge. Expend it as an immediate action imbue your weapon after making a successful attack to deal 6d6 damage of the same type as your weapon. Taking this multiple times increases the number of times per day by one.
Transfer Damage. Defense. Gain 2 charges, as an immediate action, target an allly within line of sight who is about to suffer damage from a single attack. Transfer that damage to you and half it, (rounding down). Taking this multiple times increases the number of charges by 2.
Know your enemy. Support. Gain a +10 bonus on Sense motive checks to assess your opponent. This can only be taken once.
St. Cuthberts Disruption. Ultimate As a standard action, you become an avatar for law. Your hand manifests a gavel that you are profecient with, it is considered a +5 axiomatic warhammer of disruption and undead bane. As part of your standard action you call for order and slam down the manifesting gavel causing all chaotic and non-lawful evil creatures of your choice within 30 feet to kneel as per a heightened command spell, 9th level. DC 23 will save to resist.  

Teleportation Sigils Rank 1

At the Machina Divinity you attune to one of the 5 teleportation sigils available.   Arcurolis
The Metropolis of Epoch
Silverhaven.   As long as you are on the same plane of existence as the sigil, you can use a Full Round Action to teleport yourself and up to 300lbs of worn or carried equipment. Teleporting in combat does provoke an attack of opportunity as you focus your mind to the sigil. After teleporting, you may return to the town's sigil and use another Full Round Action to return. But, you must return within 4 hours or your portal back will have closed. Any equipment that exceeds 300lbs falls to the ground harmlessly. The heaviest gear taking priority.   The Seal pulls you to the ethereal plane for a very quick moment and through a portal. This portal is not visible to those not on the Ethereal Plane, but should an enemy be on the ethereal plane, they can move through the portal as well. This portal stays open for 4 hours.   If an fellow Seal Bearer stands in your location, they can choose to move through your portal instead of creating one of their own. This still uses their charge, but they can choose your destination instead of the Sigil that they attuned to. Parties tend to choose different locations and teleport through each others portals for convenience. A spell like ethereal jaunt allows you to use the portal without expending a charge.   Once this power is used, you must return to the Bastion to recharge it. But, you must wait at least 2 days before charging once used.  

Teleport to SigilRank 1

At rank 2, a character has the option to teleport to the planar metropolis of sigil. They must use the door to The Machina Divinity and when they place their seal to the door and say "Sigil" the portal will opening to the
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
2 lbs
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