The Treasury of the Span

The Treasury of the Span is a prominent banking institution that operates in every major city within the Epochian Span. It provides a secure and reliable method for individuals to deposit their gold coins while offering a convenient alternative for conducting transactions within the city.   At the Treasury, individuals can deposit their gold coins in exchange for a backed note, which represents the deposited amount and can be used as a form of currency within the city. This system alleviates the need for individuals to carry around large sums of physical coins, eliminating the potential risks associated with theft or loss.   The backed notes issued by the Treasury hold significant value and are widely accepted within the city, functioning as a trusted and easily tradable form of currency. They are backed by the reputation and credibility of the Treasury, giving individuals confidence in their worth and reliability.   The Treasury of the Span ensures the safety and security of deposited funds through robust measures such as guarded vaults, advanced security systems, and diligent record-keeping. This provides peace of mind to depositors, knowing that their wealth is protected within the confines of the Treasury.   By offering a safe and convenient method of storing and exchanging wealth, the Treasury of the Span plays a crucial role in facilitating trade, commerce, and economic stability within each major city. It provides individuals with a practical and efficient means of conducting financial transactions, reducing the logistical challenges associated with carrying large amounts of physical currency.  

The Vault

The Treasury of the Span offers a service for 1000 gold. It is an extra dimensional vault that is 10 ft x10 ft x10 ft. A treasurer will administer a unique key to the patron. During business hours, the key will open a door in the branch. If the door is forced open without the key, only a 3ft square room lies behind that is bare. Using the key opens the unique vault. Once the patron enters the door shuts behind them and they are secure. The holder of the key can designate any number of willing creatures to follow into the vault when opening the door.   The vault has 12 hours of air, refreshed when the vault is opened. Inside the vault, there is a sigil on the floor that once pressed will expel all creatures within outside of the bank you entered.    There are rumors of executive keys that open the vault at any door, but if they exist no one is admitting to having them.   


The Treasury of the Span, as a comprehensive banking institution, offers various financial services, including the provision of loans with a duration of over one year. The bank extends these loans to individuals, businesses, and other entities in need of capital for long-term projects, investments, or personal endeavors.   To obtain a loan from the Treasury, borrowers typically undergo a formal application process. This involves providing necessary documentation, such as proof of identity, financial records, collateral, and a detailed business plan or purpose for the loan. The bank assesses the applicant's creditworthiness, financial stability, and the viability of the proposed project before approving the loan.   Once approved, the loan amount is disbursed to the borrower, usually in the form of a lump sum or scheduled installments, depending on the terms agreed upon. The borrower and the bank establish a loan agreement that outlines the specific terms and conditions, including the principal amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and any additional fees or provisions.   The Treasury of the Span typically charges an interest rate on the loan, which serves as compensation for the risk undertaken and the opportunity cost of lending the funds. The interest rate may be fixed or variable, depending on the agreement and prevailing market conditions. Borrowers are responsible for repaying the loan amount, along with the accrued interest, in regular installments over the agreed-upon period, which extends beyond one year.   Throughout the loan term, the Treasury of the Span closely monitors the borrower's progress and adherence to the repayment schedule. It may offer support and guidance to ensure successful project implementation or provide necessary resources if additional challenges arise. The bank maintains open communication with borrowers and assists in resolving any concerns or difficulties that may arise during the repayment period.  

Taking out a Loan

A character has a line of credit equal to 10,000 gold per character level. But, a character must offer collateral equal to 1/4 of the total loan amount. The character then has one cycle of Lunaris to be paid in full plus 7% of the loan. A character can make a diplomacy check DC 20  and they can negotiate 2d6x10% more credit.   


If the loan is not paid back in this time, a warrant is issued for you to appear in court at the Bastion. Once there, you must explain why the money hasn't been repaid. A judge, typically who is part of the The Sons of the 7th Seal. Once found guilty, your personal belongings are seized and sold at half their market price to pay the debt. Anything remaining, you have one cycle of Zephyria to pay the balance, plus 100 gold for court fees to be paid to the Son directly as payment for adjudicating.  

Taxes and Tithings

All citizens of the span have an official Tax Writ that they carry as part of their civil documentation. When traveling between towns citizens are asked by a local Catchpole at the gates. You declare any items that haven't been taxed. The catchpole appraises the items, updates the tax writ with the items and coins, then issues you a bill with your Taxes and Tithings due. The Treasury facilitates the transaction. You can offer them items, or coins for the payment. They take either. But, none valuable items like equipment or magical items are generally exchanged at a cost of 50% the market value.

The Dominion's Fiscal Might, Forged in Obedience

Founding Date
376 CY
Financial, Bank
Alternative Names
Bank of the Span
Last Bastion Homepage