The Troll Incident



After an attack from a troll on the rode from Silverhaven, Clause Einmann has contacted the Bastion personally for assistance.

The party, leaving the snake den with 12 chests of coins and swag, heads back to Mystwall. They stop at a local farmstead and haggled with a farmer for his wagon. After some back and forth, Quinn convinced the farmer to sell his cart to the party and they were able to head back into town.  

The Mystwall Gates

A the gates of Mystwall, the party are stopped by the guards and the catchpole, Archie Coldmen, a man who's lifelong dream was to be a bean counter, met with them. Quinn, once again, attempted to schmooze on a better price but ultimately they paid their Tithe and Tax and were granted entrance to Mystwall.   The party split, with Quinn taking his portion of the gold and the rest finding shelter in the The Broken Blade. There they met an elf named Tannin who brews his own ale and distills his own Dragon Fire Whiskey. He is very proud of it, but Rosemary isn't impressed.   Quinn finds a brothel called the Velvet Veil, but goes past that to the Mystwall Orphanage where he meets with the house marm. He tells her that she has won a grant and hands her over 200 gold   The party leaves Mystwall and travels the highway to Windermere where they can take the ferry to Vespera.  

The Ferry Ride

As the ferry crosses Lake Aurora, Tama notices a beautiful female in dark steel and red armor glancing his way. Quinn also sees her and offers some advice on how to deal with ladies. It is then that Sebastian Lee places his arm around the men and tells them that Quinn is the perfect person to take advice from. Because of Quinn, Sebastian and his fiancee Elizabeth are to be wed soon.   Tama excuses himself to talk to the woman, who chides him on his choice of companion. Tama apologizes for Quinn, but she says that it's not Quinn, but Otto who is the horrid scoundrel. Otto knows this woman as Carrie, and hides away in the stowaway compartment with the horses. Mastiff the Hunter is also there, as well as Sage.   The new party explains they have teamed up and are also working toward the apprenticeship for the Bastion. They already returned back to The Metropolis of Epoch and are on their way to Vespera to deal with a Troll for a local merchant. They are promised $8000 gold for their work.  

The Con

As the party gets off the ferry they split from their adversaries. They see a young man holding a sign that says "Bastion Adventurers" staring over crowd, trying to spot the adventurers.   Quinn and the party approach him and claim to be the adventurers from the Bastion and taking the work from their counterparts.  

Meeting Gnat

Otto and Quinn were escorted by carriage through the lakeside town of Vespera. They have their tickets for the Arctrain for the fifteenth hour and a half. The youngman who was holding the sign for "Bastion Adventurers" was named Gnat. He told the party that his employer Clause Einmann was horribly wounded a week ago by something in the woods, a troll potentially.   He led them into the Estates District of Vespera, to a wealthy but modest manor.  

Clause Einmann

The party was lead to a meeting room where the heavy curtains were drawn. A man with a wounded face drank in the dark. Sitting next to an unlit hearth with a family portrait depicting him, a middleaged woman, and a small baby hung over the mantle.   He told the story of a trip from Silverhaven where their carriage was attacked by a troll. Normally, the The Sons of the 7th Seal would offer help, but this year they were unavailable and he had to take rabble from around Vespera. The troll made short work of the guards and attacked him, but his wife and child were dragged kicking and screaming into the forest. He crawled from the scene over 3 days back to Vespera and contacted the Son's himself to send their best.   He is offering $8000 in credit, taxfree, to the party. Should they fail, they will be on the hook for the debt. If they die, he'll send the bill to the 7th Seal.   He wants his family returned to him in whatever condition you find them. But he wants the troll dead. He suggested you kill it with fire.  

Shopping Spree

Otto and Quinn went to the mercantile looking for supplies. There they met an old dwarven blacksmith named Alden Grimhammer. He explained that all dwarven warriors carry at least 3 weapons. One for slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing. He began getting a bit too excited about reliving his glory days in battle. He explained that he prefers an axe, a war pick, and he shield. Otto and Quinn spent a majority of the credit getting gear with Alden.   They then went to the Vespera Church of Pelor. It is a beautiful cathedral of stone with a grand stained glass window that lets the lights shine through in the morning to bathe the cathedral in an orange glow. There they met Brother Eadric who healed their wounds and sold them potions.   Quinn was skeptical that the options would work, but Eadric assured him that Brother Gideon makes the potions himself and assures of their quality.   They also purchased a pig for bait for the troll  

Weighed down

Otto, with his new armor, and excessive amounts of gear, found that he was now carrying a heavy load. That is when Quinn offered to buy him a heavy horse to carry him. Quinn produced a 1 ft x 1 ft satchel full to the brim with gold, easily weighing 13 lbs. In return, Otto bought Quinn a light horse.  

On the Road

The horses turned what would have been a 2 day trip with Otto's over encumbrance to about 3 hours. That's when they spotted where Einmann was attached. They saw a broken carriage and the brush was beaten down, as if the horses were dragged through the woods.   Otto was able to see that 4 characters on horseback were following down the road, about 15 minutes behind them. They ducked into the forest and followed the path of destruction. Quinn spotted a severed horse leg that had enormous bites taken out of it's thigh.  

The Strange Creatures

As they moved through brush, they heard a guttural speak from ahead. Two grey skinned creatures wielding crude axes shambled through the brush. Quinn and Otto sat the pig in the center of a small clearing, then poured oil around it. Quinn was able to quiet the pig and calm it. When the creatures attacked, Quinn burst from the brush and threw Alchemist's fire on the oil, igniting the line and trapping the creatures. Otto followed, throwing a flask of oil at one of the creatures. He missed and struck the pig, igniting it instantly. The creatures burst through the flames, burning as the did. But the first struck Quinn in the ribs with his axe, nearly killing him. In retaliation, Quinn tried to cast Tasha's hideous laughter on the creature, only for the creature to shrug off the magic.   Otto struck at his enemy with his adamantine heavy mace. As the creature raised his axe to defend, the adamantine broke through the axe and crushed the face of the monster. Quinn steadied his rapier, and thrust forward, impaling the eye socket of the strange thing.   After the battle, Otto mended Quinn's wounds. That is when Quinn spotted a wolf watching them. His eyes held a strange awareness. When called out, the wolf merely said "You're already dead." and fled deeper into the forest. It emitted a howl, only to have it answered from other wolves.  

The Business Troll

  Following the wolf, the party came to the edge of a small cliff bank. There they saw the hulking form of the troll, and his entourage of grimlocks and wolves. Quinn, feeling that his horse shouldn't be tied down frees his horse. Gold well spent.   Otto threw the pig at the steps and the troll stepped foward, grabbing the charred remains and eating the back end in one bite. Slurping the insides. Quinn began to appeal to the trolls vanity. In broken-common, the troll spoke. Revealing that his name in giant is roughly translated to Pig-Raper. The troll then commented that he didn't eat the woman and boy, but he is selling them to dwarves inside the cavern. But, the party isn't strong enough to make it to the dwarves. He was amused by the party, and decided that if they were strong enough, they would live long enough to find the dwarves. In a guttural language, he told the grimlocks something, and retreated into the caves.   The grimlocks with a knowing look, spoke an unknown something to each other. But Tama was able to deduce that they were making a plan to deal with the party. With that, they attacked the party, using the narrow path way to their advantage. Rosemary was wounded badly, but was able to retrieved a potion from the community pack from Ottos back and heal herself. Ultimately, the party was victorious.  

The Real Threat

The party went to the cave entrance. Two grimlocks on the other side. There were 3 pedestals that worked as stepping stones for the Troll, but were going to be a challenge for something smaller. Otto, with a train to catch, decided to make a mighty leap forward. But, with his heavy armor and pack weighing him down, he only made it about 2 feet and fell into the water below. Otto then began to lament his burden, and tried to climb out. But, the slippery rocks proved to be unforgiving. Tama attempted to tie a rope to Otto's steed, and pull him up. But, Otto's grip couldn't hold the rope, and once again, fell into the muddy water. His commotion alerted the grimlocks above to his plight. They descended down, as well did the party. And began to battle, once again making short work of the grimlocks.   Tama then climbed the stones, and tied a rope to a stalagmite. Where the party was able to use the wall as leverage to pull themselves up. Even Otto made it up.  

Into the Mouth

They decended deeper into the caves coming to a 20 foot drop, Quinn attaching a rope for a way out, as well as down. Everyone made it except Otto who fell, again, this time hard on the stoney floor. To the north was darkness in the cavrens, but to the west Tama heard the rushing of water. Entering the western door, the party saw a small waterfall trickling down into a pool. To the north, Tama heard the sound of bones crunching as if someone were eating. It was then that he felt something in his neck, as he reached up he felt the bulbous chitinous body with small springs of hear twitch under his hand. A bat sized mosquito creature had attached itself. Otto looked across the water to see more of the creatures coming their way.  

Pain in the Neck

As the stirges attacked the party was able to squash the villainous vermin with little effort. Tama did have some of his blood drained, but nothing that a good night's rest couldn't cure. But, the party had alerted something to the north. Tama and Otto noticed a wolf peering around the corner, attempting to hide from them in the dark. Once again, combat erupted and 2 pair of Grimlock and wolf combos attempted to flank the party. Quinn, leapt into the pool near the battle, and began to swim to the magic in the water. But, swimming in his breastplate was too much, mithril or not. While under water, he noticed a black tunnel to the west. Laero almost fell to the creatures, but the party came out on top.  

Unwanted Guests

After the battle the party retrieved the treasure below, including scrolls, potions and a magical shield. That is when the rivals appeared and confronted the party. Demanding answers to why they were here. Quinn, bluffing the team, told them they were the backup sent from the Bastion. They fell for it, and Sebastian believed Quinn pretended to be him with Clause Einmann so they would get the credit with the Bastion. A true friend.   The rivals decided to head to the troll, and at least claim the head for themselves. The party followed suit. Once again, having an issue with a jump and some water. They spotted a patch of yellow fungus, surrounding the corpse of a dark dwarf. It held a chest to its chest. Quinn took his pole and poked at the fungus, and it emitted spores in a 10ft area, barely missing Quinn. Otto took his torch and burned the mold away harmlessly. The chest contained gold and gems.  

Troll Face-off

  The troll stood against the rivals as the party entered. The battle was fierce, with the blows regenerating on the troll. Rosemary, Sage, and Sebastian nearly fell to the trolls attacks and without the combined efforts of the parties, the day would have been to the troll. But Quinn, drinking a potion of invisibility, doused the troll in oil and made a trail to the flames, causing the troll to be engulfed in fire. The last of it's life burning away.   Both teams looked at one another... who gets the credit for this one?    

Treasure Trolls

  With the troll burning on the floor of the cavern the two parties bumped heads on who had dibs on the trolls treasure. Sage held a small box that had a magical aura within. In the end, the rivals left with the suit of elven chainmail because Sebastian argued it was part of his heritage and 800 gold. They also missed the treasure, from the yellow fungus. Then they were off.   Among the items that they found was a the still writhing, stinking sexual organs of a troll.   The party resolved to look for the mother and child. Believing that they were somehow below them. They found a large tunnel in the dark waters of the pool. Using Rosemary's shield as a light, she dove in and began to take a 500 ft. rope with through the depths. She almost drowned, but she was able to fasten the end to an open area.  

The Tunnels

  There the party used the rope to pull them selves through the dark water. On the other side, they were met with hostile grimlocks that attacked the party on sight, or at least sound. But, the party was able to come out on top. In a side cavern, they found humans in tattered clothing and wearing masterwork manacles. They revealed themselves to be Tanna and Nigel Einmann. Otto was able to use his adamantine mace and shatter the chains. But, the sounds rang out though the natural halls.  

The Duergar

  A door opened in the distance and the sound of hard soled boots rushed toward you. Entering the room you were met by 2 grey skinned dwarves. One in full plate armor bearing a broken arrow and flames engraved on the pauldrons. The dwarf did not immediately attack. He heavily armored one told the the party that the humans were his property and that he purchased them for a fair price. Quinn was able to parley the dwarves into letting the party buy these people from them. The dwarves agreed to a large sum of gold for the humans. But the Einmann's will be going back with the dwarves. They are part of a separate deal that they have already agreed to.   Rosemary and Otto seemed uneasy about this agreement. Rosemary swung her longsword at the cleric, letting her sword partake in this diplomacy.   The duergar cleric of Ladurgar was not happy about the double cross, and less so about Quinn trying to lie to him about Rosemary's affliction. He summoned a spiritual hammer that attacked Quinn for his deceit but quickly turned it to Rosemary. The grimlocks rushed Tama and began attacking him fiercely, but one by one all of the enemies fell, with Quinn giving a strange whisper in the clerics ear.   With the enemies gone, Tama began collecting the treasures and they came up with a fair amount. Otto travelled east, deeper into the tunnel and found a chest. As well as a strange obelisk with a keyhole at it's top.  

Back to the Surface

Tanna and Neigel Einmann told the story of the trolls that nearly mirrored Clause's. She said that the troll was maddened, in a frenzy. None of the guards stood a chance. The troll was only interested in a single crate, but tore everything apart and dragged off one of their horses. The grimlocks carried her and Nigel into the cavers below, giving them each a potion before taking them underwater. She couldn't tell how long she had been in the dark. She only knew that people came and went, and the grimlocks ate as many as they captured.  

Back to Vespera

  The party administered the potions and travelled up the tunnels and out to the forest once again. With the party there, the travel was slow, getting to Vespera only in the wee hours of the morning. There Otto and Quinn entered without the rest, leaving their valuables behind. Only to be accosted by the catchpole, Asher. A curmudgeonly old man that didn't take kindly to Quinn.   Once at the Estate they were informed that Clause Einmann had perished from his wounds. Suspicious of that, Quinn returned to get Tama while Otto went upstairs to investigate. Quinn met with Tama who was not interested in dealing with taxes or Asher. That is when Tanna mentioned that she only met Silas once because he was new and they rode to the estate.  

The Plot Thickens

  Otto spoke with the Senior Guardsman Calder, as he was lead through the estate. Calder mentioned that he didn't doubt there was foul play. But, that's not his job. His job was to protect the estate. Clause was not a very nice man and had made a lot of enemies along the way. When he opened the door, to what Otto thought was the bedroom, he saw a study where Gnat sat behind a the desk pouring over paperwork. Calder whispered to Otto "You're interfearing with the Estate..." and attacked.   Otto noticed Calder's attack and but wasn't quick enough to dodge the blow as Calder's sword made contact. Gnat and his two guards were surprised by the entrance of the two, and scrambled to react. Giving Otto precious moments to make his escape through a balcony deeper in the estate. The guards gave chase and Otto leapt to the ground, making his way to his horse. His entire strategy was total defense and just make it to the horse, but Calder landed a lucky blow, taking him down as he climbed to his horse.   The world fades to blackness...  

Through the Town

The party travelling through town with Lady Tanna and young Neigel and they are approached by two guards. He calls out "Sigel" to the mockery of the party, but he reveals that is uncle is named Sigel, and a man in the homes above opens his shutters revealing that his name is Sigel as well.   They say that there is house business. Quinn begins to lay into Johanson, creating a smoldering hatred that keeps being stoked. Quinn released his horse into the town, and engaging in semantics with him.   The guards take the nobles to their chambers and the party is shown to a room where they are given food and drink, but no one touches it. They question the guard on Otto's whereabouts, only to have Otto enter the room. Quinn begins to interrogate him on what he found. Otto remarks that everything is fine and these guards are just doing their job. Tama senses that something is off with Otto, and that's when Otto claps Quinn's shoulder with his RIGHT hand.   Quinn then attempts to entrap him with subterfuge, but Otto seems to understand what is happening and excuses himself from the area. Quinn asks Otto if he can sleep with Carrie, Otto replies with "Do what you like.". That clinches it.   After Otto leaves, the guards attack. Quinn uses the candles and threatens to burn the place down, holding it near the curtains. He successfully intimidates them for one round. They continue attack and Quinn makes good on his threat. The room fills with smoke as the party defeats the guards.  

Otto's Experience

  Otto awakens as he's submerged in cold water and begins to sink into darkness. He begins to get flashing visions of being in an inky river. He is surrounded by flailing bodies that are howling in terror. Where he sees the wounded face of Clause Einmann. A boat wades through the waters, it's pilot is a tall green skinned creature with a large pitchfork. It had writhing tentacles surrounding its face, like a macabre living beard. The thing is stabbing the pour floundering figures and pulling them into his boat. Whistling while he did it, as if calling to the figures. It's buring red eyes fix on Otto like two motes of evil in the darkness. Alice, Ottos mother appears and a warm light surrounds him as the creature lifts him from the inky depths. In a hateful voice the thing declares "Not your time" and throws him into the air. Then, Otto's soul and body collide, and he feels himself being lifted from the cold waters of Vespera by a fisherman, who takes him to shore.  

The Wrapup

The party finds, with the help of Silas, that Tanna has been stabbed by a sword, and Nigel holds a dagger covered in blood. Around him a guard lays dying from a viscous neck wound. Tama saves Tanna from death and she reveals that the guards attacked and she tried to defend her son. She fell, but it appears that Neigel was able to kill the thing.   Quinn is understandably impressed with Neigel. He believes he can be a great hero.   Otto hobbling back to the Estate without his armor witnesses a double of himself silently trying to leave with his horse. Otto hides in the brush and ambushes the imposter. It appears he has been wounded severely. The imposter removes the armor, but his appearance doesn't change. A fight breaks out, and Otto is victorious. He approaches the estate on horseback, screaming for vengeance.   But, the party is able to get in a rest for the evening.

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