
Gnat's tale is one of bitter resentment and twisted ambition that grew from the depths of poverty in the city of Vespera. Born into a life of destitution, he witnessed the stark divide between the impoverished and the affluent nobles who lived in opulence. The stark contrast fueled a burning hatred within him, particularly directed towards Claus Einmann, the wealthy merchant who owned the Einmann estate.   As a young and impressionable apprentice, Gnat despised his lowly position and the meager life it offered. He saw Claus as the embodiment of everything he resented about the nobility—someone who possessed immense wealth and power while others struggled to survive. The flames of envy and malice consumed Gnat's heart, and he hatched a sinister plan to seize control of the Einmann estate for himself.   Under the guise of a seemingly loyal and diligent apprentice, Gnat learned the inner workings of the estate, observing Claus's every move, studying his habits, and collecting knowledge about the estate's secrets. He became well-versed in the workings of the household, utilizing his position to gain access to sensitive information and hidden resources.   Gnat's sinister nature gradually unfolded as he delved deeper into his quest for power. He dabbled in forbidden knowledge, seeking dark arts and forbidden rituals to aid him in his ambitions. He formed secret alliances with unsavory characters, ensuring he had the support and resources necessary to fulfill his dark desires.
Neutral evil
Year of Birth
565 CY 31 Years old
Curley Black
5' 7"
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