BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The dream magic – ‘Lomb’ – of the Lombraides is inseparable from that which lies just below the surface of every individual. The suppressed memories, nightmares, dreams, aspirations, etc. that add in one way or another to the enormous cauldron we call ‘culture.’ Pouring out of this cauldron are living manifestations of/responses to our collective unconsciousness known as 'spirits'.   While their existence as a broader group is reliant upon the consciousness of the coropreal world, that doesn't mean that spirits are incapable of achieving a humanoid level of sapience. In fact, there are many spirits that are more sapient than all corporeal creatures. Many of these spirits embody themselves as distinctive individuals, with a form and a name unique to them. However, it takes a lot of energy to maintain such a heightened individual consciousness this close to utter oblivion. As such, many of these powerful spirits are incapable of maintaining a corporeal form outside the realm of Lomb, and can only exist by subsuming the consciousness of a willing host.

Basic Information


Seeing as they are created within the collective dream-consciousness of Lomb, spirits can come in all different shapes and sizes. They are formed from and shaped according to the collective perceptions and preconceptions of the corporeal beings within any given area. This gives spirits as a broader classification the unique property of being able to change in physical appearance wildly over time. There are also several cases of spirits who reportedly have various opposing physical appearances, giving the overall group tremendous physical and morphological malleability when compared with their corporeal kin.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The only thing spirits need to sustain themselves is the substance known as ichor - the stuff flowing through the vines of Lombra. A sap so black, it's green.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All spirits reside in the realm of Lomb, where corporeal beings are only capable of going there while they dream. Their existence on this plane gives spirits natural perceptive capabilities that outclass all but the most well-travelled dreamers. However, residing here also imposes several harsh physical restrictions. In many cases, these restrictions limit the extent to which a spirit can interact with the corporeal world, leaving many resentful, desparate, and just plain bored.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

Cover image: by jhorn