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The Tyrants are fearsome predatory spirits of the Great Catavarran Desert. They skitter across the sands upon a haphazardly tangled mass of wildly thrashing spider legs, each one tipped with a barbed iron hook. The legs of larger Tyrants are even festooned with finger-sized iron thorns. Even if you are lucky enough to spot one from a distance as it thunders across the plains, it is easy to see why Tyrant's are also referred to as hellspiders, iron tumbleweeds, devil's knots, and other such epithets.

Basic Information


Each tyrant has its own individual agglomeration of jumbled limbs. Each of these limbs distinctly seems to lack a cogent anatomical structure. It is as if whoever designed such an abominable creature had attempted to render the inner workings of a complex machine, without any understanding of the mechanisms at play within the device.

Civilization and Culture


After the turning point of the Second Catavarran War, the Spectral Church released a wave of spiritual horror in the desert, as a desperate bid to quell the advancing forces of Big Golgi and the Empire of Lights.   Among these beasts and plagues were the terrifying contraptions known as Tyrantasses, rolling steel cages driven forward by the enraged wind spirits held captive within the device's canvas sails. These wrought iron death dealers were often set upon the front on a whim, without even warning Bastollan infantry or their allies on the battlefield. In fearful firsthand recountings of these events, it appeared as though these Tyrantasses were many-armed demons who had simply appeared so that they could slaughter and maim to their heart's content.    The stories told of these terrifying visions of death incarnate gave rise to the first Tyrants, who have lingered in the Catavarran Desert ever since.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: by jhorn


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