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Bathala City's Harmony Under Fire for Heroic Hijinks!

Bathala Beacon - June 3, 2025   Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Bathala City's newest superhero, Harmony, finds herself in hot water after a daring rescue operation at City Hall yesterday. The events of the day unfolded like a comic book saga, but what followed has left citizens questioning whether Harmony is truly the type of hero Bathala City needs.   As the self-proclaimed "Home of Heroes," Bathala City has seen its fair share of caped crusaders and masked marvels. But none have courted controversy recently quite like Harmony, the scientist-turned-superhero and a member of the freshly assembled B-Team, a group of misfits brought together to fill the void left by the city's esteemed Vigil.   In a brazen display of audacity, five drug-themed villains calling themselves "The Drug Lords" laid siege to City Hall, taking the mayor hostage and imprisoning the building in a colossal dome of marijuana. Chaos consumed the streets, and the citizens held their breath, praying for a savior to emerge from the shadows.   And emerge they did! Various members of the B-Team (their already controversial vampire member conspicuously absent, possibly busy enjoying a snack of one of our upstanding residents?) answered the call, rushing to the scene like colorful comets streaking across the night sky. Their efforts were nothing short of heroic, as they thwarted the villains and rescued the mayor from their clutches. Bathala City's hopes were momentarily rekindled, as the B-Team basked in their newfound glory.   But alas, the adulation was short-lived, as a photograph captured Harmony, the supposed epitome of scientific intellect amid the new heroes, engaging in a dubious act. Clad in her trusty lab coat adorned with countless pockets, she shamelessly pocketed some of the marijuana from the dome. Is this the behavior we expect from our city-funded heroes? Is this the gratitude they show the taxpayers who support them?   The City Council, the very institution that funds the Vigil and now the B-Team, must be left wondering if their generous contribution is being put to good use. Are Bathala City's heroes merely taking liberties with the very people they swore to protect? The hardworking citizens deserve answers, not to mention a return on their investment!   It's no secret that heroes are held to a higher standard. They are meant to inspire, to be paragons of virtue and integrity. But Harmony's actions have cast a shadow of doubt over the entire superhero community. Bathala City prides itself on the reputation of its sponsored heroes, yet Harmony's escapades threaten to tarnish that image.   In the aftermath of this scandalous revelation, concerned citizens are demanding swift action. Calls for an internal investigation into the conduct of the B-Team, particularly Harmony, are already starting. And with the B-Team's public debut only a few short weeks away, the City Council must take this matter seriously, for the trust and faith of the people hang in the balance.   Mayor Isabella Sullivan, who narrowly escaped the clutches of the villains, has yet to issue an official statement on the controversy, but rest assured, dear citizens. The Bathala Beacon will be doggedly pursuing the truth, holding our heroes accountable for their actions and ensuring transparency in the face of uncertainty.   The future of Bathala City's superhero community hangs in the balance. Will Harmony's antics be swept under the rug, or will the powers that be show the citizens that they stand for justice and honor? The battle for the city's soul has just begun, and the citizens eagerly await their heroes' next move.   [Continued on page 4. Article by Michelle Van Quinn.]


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