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Written by GoatGamer97

Cornelius Walker (a.k.a. Mercy)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1408: Cornelius Walker was born.   1439: He was bitten by an old-looking individual, whom he did not know. He forever had scars on his neck, which, despite his regenerative properties, would never leave him.   1442: Near the beginning of the English witch trials, Cornelius Walker was the first man accused of being a witch. This was due to people noticing that he didn't sleep, grow crops, keep animals, or ever go to the market to get supplies. Within a couple of days, the news had spread throughout the town, and he was put up for trial by fire. He burned, but he was still alive. He felt the heat and the pain, but to everyone's shock and fear, he lived. He broke free from the rope and escaped into the nearby forest, never to return to that town.   1453: After travelling for a decade and figuring out who and what he was, Cornelius started to travel throughout the country, learning new skills and helping people where he could. But as the years grew on, he realized that he had a hunger that he knew was not good, nor was it the blood of forest animals that he had been satiated on all those years. He wanted something more. He wanted humans.   1480: Cornelius had found refuge in a small hut, not in but close enough to a small town that he could hunt at night and take unsuspecting people from the town. But one night, he took the wrong person. He killed the town's priest, and he was hunted down but to no avail. He escaped them and carried on his hunt, but not before he had been given a name by the town, Bloodfell.   1625: The last 200 years had been spent going from town to town, city to city, taking out whoever crossed his path. Anyone that showed him the slightest bit of anger or hatred, he took the name Bloodfell and used it to put fear in the minds of people.   1630: Cornelius had still yet to master all of the abilities he had, but he had managed to finally master mind control and had taken over the minds of people and used it for his own benefit. Bankers, doctors, mayors, all succumbed to him eventually.   1815: After traveling the globe and learning new and interesting languages, Cornelius had finally been able to know how to use everything he once acquired all those years ago.   1826: One winter morning, snow was on the ground, kids were playing, the town was serene. Cornelius was looking out and saw a child that had run off from the group. He was a bit shorter than the rest and would be an easy target. He sprung running up to him and staring him deep in the eyes, ready to feed when he saw the fear in that boy, the terror that he once felt as a child, the kind of fear he had when he was bitten. He dropped the child and ran.   1835: After that day, Cornelius had never taken the life of anyone who was healthy. He went for the weak, the sick, and the elderly, the ones whose days were numbered. The towns and cities that he had traveled through slowly learned of who was being targeted, and as much as they hated the fact that he was killing their people, they gave him the name that would stick with him. They named him after his killings and who he targeted. He was forever named Mercy.   As Cornelius Walker's years went on, he tried to do good, traveling to monasteries through the first half of the 20th century, learning about his own deeds through the words of others in books through the rest of the 19th century, eventually ending up with meeting someone who he never thought would be the person to help him. She was a small woman, dressed in pink with a cheery personality. This was the start of his new life.

A vampire who is trying to make a good name for himself, while having a vast history of bloodshed and genocide

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Mercy as he appears when corrupted by Zaebos.


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