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Dr Miranda Strand

Doctor Miranda Strand- Fullham

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Miranda Strand, born Miranda Fullham, emerged into the world on a stormy night in the small town of Crestwood, not far outside Bathala City. Raised by her single mother after her father's untimely death, Miranda displayed an early fascination with the intricacies of the human mind.   Excelling academically, she earned a scholarship to the University of Bathala where she delved into neuroscience and met her future husband, Richard. Miranda's passion for understanding the complexities of the brain led her to a brilliant career, but personal tragedy struck when her mother succumbed to a long battle with mental illness. This loss fueled Miranda's determination to alleviate human suffering through her work and she soon attracted the attention of powerful people.   It was during her tenure at Schurk Industries that her life took a fateful turn, intertwining her fate with the controversial company's dark agenda. As Glioblastoma Multiforme threatened to cut short her promising career, Miranda faced a choice: succumb to her mortality or defy ethical boundaries to ensure her legacy endured. Not ready yet to leave her work, or her husband behind, she uses the NET device to overwrite the memory and personallity of the captured superheroine Shade, allowing a version of her to carry on in her stead.   With her legacy secured, Miranda allowed Richard to believe that the device had transferred her mind, rather than simply copying it, and allowed herself to die, with the new version taking her place. For ten years, the new Miranda took over the life of her predecessor, even managing to secure a position as facility director of Oceanlab Octopus when The Century Group took control of all Schurk Industries operations.   It was only in 2025 that Miranda's scheme was found out. After a meeting with Dr. Oslac Quade, Blue, and subsequently the B-Team, were able to chase her down and uncover what she'd done to Shade. She was arrested, and the NET interface soon deactivated, rendering Miranda Strand dead for good this time.
Lawful Evil
Date of Birth
3rd of April, 1959
1959 AD 2015 AD 56 years old
Place of Death
Oceanlab Octopus
Brown and greying
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Dr Strand as she appeared while inhabiting Shade's body.


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