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Evelina Cohen

Evelina Cohen

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

For most of her life, Evelina's physical condition was defined by her muscular dystrophe. The condition took her ability to walk when she was still fairly young and she's had to rely on others for much of her care throughout much of her life. Due to the condition, she was extremely thin and weak, almost entirely unable to create or maintain skeletal muscle, and was often sick as the condition left her immune system ineffective and she was unable to use her healing powers on herself.   Since her miraculous cure, Evelina has been rapidly gaining strength and stamina bringing her in line with what could be considered typical of a woman her age. All previous symptoms she suffered as a result of her condition have seemingly left her and her immune system seems stronger than it's ever been. She could still be considered thin and fairly weak in appearance, but she's far from the skeletal girl she once was.

Special abilities

While the extent of her power has yet to be properly tested, Evelina is nonetheless gifted with a near-unmatched healing power. Her touch is able to cure both infectious illness and severe bodily injury. She's limited in that the person in question still needs to be alive, and she can't regenerate limbs that have been lost and subsequently healed over, nor can she cure genetic conditions. She is however, able to cure mortal wounds before they've caused the person to pass away, and can reattach freshly severed limbs. Her greatest feat of healing so far is saving the life of Reverend Jackson Montague, when he was impaled through the stomach by a wooden beam, restoring several organs and compensating for significant blood loss to quickly bring him back to perfect health.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a radical Christian sect, Evelina was taught from a young age that it was the duty of every man, woman and child of the community to serve the Leader, but when her condition first started to present a little prior to her fifth birthday, she quickly found herself unable to do what was expected of her, bringing her place in the community into question. Talk spread throughout the compound about throwing her out before she becomes too great a drain on the community, but it was at this point that her own powers began to manifest.   The first time Evelina healed someone, it was another of the community's children, a young boy who'd managed to break a leg in a playground accident. It was seen as a miracle by the other residents, and quickly saved her from exile and the death that would surely come as a result. Soon enough, the cult had rallied around both the Leader and Evelina who they came to call the Unsullied, owing to the white light emitted by her hands while healing.   The group quickly divided, with many cult members deciding that they preferred Evelina's philosophy of peaceful cohabitation and self-care over the Leader's fire and brimstone evangelising. This divide soon led to Evelina and her followers being excommunicated in a bid by the Leader to reaffirm his waning authority, an act that did nothing to deter them, and soon Evelina and a small group had set themseves up with a commune on the outskirts of Bathala City where they practice their harmonious lifestyle in tune with nature and one another.   Evelina and her teachings soon gained the attention of local religious leaders and, while some were immediately combative, she did manage to make friends with Reverend Jackson Montague, who was a little more understanding of her concepts of non-religious spirituality and communal living. He began to visit her regularly to hear what she had to say, even inviting her to speak at his church on several occasions, and soon he decided to invite her in on his plans for The "One-Life' Unity Center.   With the events surrounding the centre's grand opening, Evelina's following has expanded considerably, but the more surprising revalation is that the muscular dystrophe that had plagued her all her life has seemingly been cured. While at first she still found herself weak and had difficulty walking unaided, she's been getting stronger day by day, and is now wondering just what else her powers can achieve.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to gather enough support to set up a small community after exile from the Leader's sect.   Opened up the One-Life Centre alongside her fellow local spiritual leaders.   Brought Jackson Montague back from the brink of death after he was caught in an explosion during the opening of the One-life Centre.

Intellectual Characteristics

While neither well-educated or particularly good with factual learning, Evelina is known for her deep well of wisdom gained through ongoing introspection during her paralysis. She's extremely emotionally intelligent and serves as a good ear to listen to the problems and troubles of her flock.

Morality & Philosophy

Evelina stands apart from her fellow spiritual leaders as she believes that a person's number one responsibility is not to their God or their community, but to themself. She is quick to espouse the importance of self-care and healthy living first, as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's ability to do the same. She follows this up with the importance of interpersonal responsibility and the importance of working to help those around you. This rhetoric has made her particularly popular with the residents of The Railyard, who often see cominig together like this as the only way they can survive in a City that doesn't care for them.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of February, 2003
Blonde and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Ruled Locations
Evelina as she appeared before curing her muscular dystrophe.
Evelina as she appeared before regaining her strength.


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