BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Cornelius Walker Sees what he has Become.

Life, Identity


One winter morning, snow was on the ground, kids were playing, the town was serene. Cornelius was looking out and saw a child that had run off from the group. He was a bit shorter than the rest and would be an easy target. He sprung running up to him and staring him deep in the eyes, ready to feed when he saw the fear in that boy, the terror that he once felt as a child, the kind of fear he had when he was bitten. He dropped the child and ran. After that day, Cornelius had never taken the life of anyone who was healthy. He went for the weak, the sick, and the elderly, the ones whose days were numbered. The towns and cities that he had travelled through slowly learned of who was being targeted, and as much as they hated the fact that he was killing their people, they gave him the name that would stick with him. They named him after his killings and who he targeted. He was forever named Mercy.