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Russel Macklemore

Character page by Nora Van Es

Russel Macklemore

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised as a Railyard Roach, Russel is a vital member of the community (though his dream is to retire by age 40 with a substantial sum of money to his name and a mansion ‘somewhere nice’), supplying the people of the Railyard with all the merch they might need, and then some. There have been some less successful business ventures in his past, but nowadays everyone knows that if you need anything, you only need to ask Russel!   His can-do attitude and infectious positivity have granted him the connections he needs as a peddler of questionable merchandise. He is well liked within the community, spending his free time helping Sally to check in on the older Roaches and always willing to invest in anyone’s new business plans.


Russel ‘don’t need no educashun’. He dropped out of school at age 14, deeming work more important than studying.


Having his own business means Russel answers to no one but himself. Those other shops and cafes that he worked for in his earlier days ‘don’t know nothing about what makes a good business’, often parting ways with him after his initiatives were unappreciated.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Built up ‘the best business in the Railyard, possibly in all of Bathala’.

Personality Characteristics


Russel is predominantly motivated by his family and the desire to give them a comfortable life. Though his siblings are long since old enough to hold down jobs of their own, the family still lives in the same railcar with their nan (with the exception of one of Russel’s younger brothers, who recently moved out when he joined the navy), taking turns looking after her.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes money, his family, pretty women, and herbal teas.   Doesn’t like rats (chewing up his merch!) and winter (fewer people outside means fewer customers - though Christmas is nice and he has been known to decorate his merch with baubles and tinsel to make the items more appealing and seasonal).


Russel values cleanliness and a nice appearance, knowing that people are more likely to purchase his wares if he smells good and looks the part. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that his nan shouted at him to bathe more often when he was a teenager, or the fact that he got reprimanded for ‘smelling like an old sock’ at one of his previous jobs…


Family Ties

Russel has a close knit family in the Railyard, consisting of his nan, his younger twin brothers, and their not-so-baby-anymore baby sister. With their parents sadly no longer around, his nan took in the siblings, with Russel stepping up to the plate to help supplement their earnings as soon as he was old enough to get a job.   Though it hasn’t happened yet, Russel hasn’t given up hope on finding his Mrs. Macklemore, dreaming of the day where he can come home to his beautiful wife and their adorable little Mini-Macklemores, one of which he’s adamant will be named ‘Russel Jr.’.

Wealth & Financial state

Despite his extremely successful business, Russel doesn’t have a lot of money, mostly due to some investments going south. He’s dead certain that his latest investment will make him rich, though!


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