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The Machinist

Eli Manchen (a.k.a. The Machinist)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Eli Manchen is a powerful technopath, which affords him unparalleled control and communication with machines. With a mere thought, he can interface directly with a wide array of technological devices, from simple appliances to complex supercomputers, bypassing security systems and electronic barriers effortlessly. His technopathy enables him to access, manipulate, and extract data from any connected device, granting him vast knowledge and an edge in strategic planning.   This unique power allows Eli to mentally commandeer machinery, bending them to his will as if they were extensions of his own body. He can animate and direct robotic constructs, transforming them into formidable allies or weapons of destruction. Moreover, Eli's technopathic link allows him to perceive and comprehend the intricate inner workings of machines, enabling him to optimize and improve their functionality beyond standard limitations.    As The Machinist, he wields this extraordinary gift to orchestrate complex, technology-driven schemes, posing a significant threat to heroes and institutions alike, all while remaining deeply connected to the digital landscape, making him a formidable adversary for any who dare to oppose him.This unique power allows Eli to mentally commandeer machinery, bending them to his will as if they were extensions of his own body. He can animate and direct robotic constructs, transforming them into formidable allies or weapons of destruction.   Moreover, Eli's technopathic link allows him to perceive and comprehend the intricate inner workings of machines, enabling him to optimize and improve their functionality beyond standard limitations. As The Machinist, he wields this extraordinary gift to orchestrate complex, technology-driven schemes, posing a significant threat to heroes and institutions alike, all while remaining deeply connected to the digital landscape, making him a formidable adversary for any who dare to oppose him.

Specialized Equipment

As the years have gone by, Eli has taken to enhancing his already impressive powers with a high-tech gauntlet worn on his arm that enhances his technopathic abilities. It allows him to interface with machines more efficiently, accessing multiple at a time, and grant him access to remote devices over long distances.   Eli has been known to use a large number of robots in both his day-to-day life and his criminal activities. They vary in size, shape and complexity depending on their purpose, but they all bear the unmistakable mark of his technical expertise and technopathic control. In his day-to-day life, Eli employs smaller, inconspicuous robots for routine tasks, seamlessly integrating them into his reclusive lifestyle. From robotic assistants managing his mansion's security to drones collecting data and information from across the city, these creations serve as extensions of his intellect and allow him to plot his next moves with all the prior knowledge he might need.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eli Manchen was a spoiled kid whose father owned "Manchen Robotics," which afforded them a very comfortable lifestyle. Looked down upon by his peers for being just the rich kid, he soon grew fascinated by the poorer classes and headed into The Railyard to see what life was like on the other side of the tracks, and that was where he met her.   Quickly enamoured by the young fighter, Eli quickly dedicated himself to securing Rachel's affections for himself and set to work on the one thing he knew well; machines. Using his technopathy mutant power and penchant for engineering he tried to woo the heroine to no avail, and as the years have gone by and he's remained unsuccessful, Eli's actions have become progressively more deranged and dangerous.


Eli was attending the University of Bathala on an advanced robotics course, aided by his ability to speak to machines, when his father died, forcing him to drop out in order to take over the family business. During his time there, he was already known for his brilliance in the field of engineering. His unique powers, which allowed him to communicate with and control machines, set him apart from his peers. It made him a prodigy when it came to understanding and manipulating technology. His professors and classmates were in awe of his talents and potential.   Despite his academic success, Eli's social life at the university was complicated. He struggled to fit in with his peers, feeling isolated due to his family's immense wealth and the privilege that came with it. He was often dismissed as the "rich kid" and found it difficult to form genuine connections with others. This further fuelled his desire to explore life beyond his sheltered upbringing.


As the CEO of Manchen Robotics, Eli Manchen holds a position that once symbolized power, innovation, and wealth. However, the company's day-to-day operations have largely slipped from his grasp as his obsession with Rachel and his transformation into The Machinist consumed him. His reclusive behaviour has caused the board of directors to take on more significant roles in running the business, leaving Eli's executive authority nominal.   Within the towering walls of Manchen Robotics, Eli's genius still echoes through the advancements he made before his obsession consumed him. The company's cutting-edge technology, developed during his university days and early years as CEO, remains at the forefront of the industry. However, hidden away in his private lair, surrounded by machines and blueprints, Eli now harnesses his technological mastery to forge weapons and gadgets for his villainous pursuits, using the company's resources to further his dangerous agenda.

Intellectual Characteristics

Even without his mutation, Eli Manchen's intellect would place him among the foremost minds of his generation in the field of robotics. His natural aptitude for engineering and problem-solving, coupled with an innate curiosity about how machines function, has set him apart from his peers from an early age. Eli's exceptional analytical skills and innovative thinking allow him to see beyond the surface of technology, understanding the intricacies and complexities that most others would overlook. His passion for machines is fuelled by an insatiable desire to push the boundaries of what's possible, always seeking to optimize and enhance their capabilities.   However, it is his technopathic mutation that elevates Eli's brilliance to unparalleled heights. The ability to communicate with machines on an intuitive level grants him an almost telepathic connection with technology. This unique power allows him to perceive the inner workings of machines with astonishing clarity, as if he can hear the hum of circuits and feel the flow of electrons. It bestows upon him an unparalleled advantage in manipulating and controlling technology, granting him near-instant access to vast databases of knowledge and the ability to commandeer even the most sophisticated of machinery. This symbiotic relationship between his intellect and technopathy empowers him to utilize machines at a level that few can fathom, making him a formidable force in both the world of robotics and as The Machinist, where he exploits this mastery for nefarious purposes.

Personality Characteristics


Eli Manchen's motivations are driven by an obsessive desire to win the affection and admiration of Rachel, who he'd first noticed when he attended a Railyard fight in an attempt to get away from the 'rich kid' stigma. Rejected by her despite his efforts to impress her with his technological prowess, his infatuation with Rachel has spiralled into an all-consuming madness. Believing that controlling the city's machinery and proving his worth through villainous acts will finally capture her attention and affection, Eli, as The Machinist, unleashes his technopathic mastery and engineering brilliance to showcase his power, seeking validation and recognition in a world that once dismissed him as just a privileged rich kid.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Date of Birth
14th of November, 1996
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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