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Fiona Belmont (a.k.a. Sparky)

Once from a wealthy and influential yet conservative Bathala City political family, Fiona Belmont was cast out for both her superhuman abilities and embracing what she felt was her true self. Now a member of The Century Group, she seeks to better the fortunes of all Bathalans, whether under the guise of her superhero persona or as herself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fiona's body is both lean and slender with subtle musculature, a result of both her nature as a speedster and her days as a dancer.

Facial Features

Fiona has an soft angular face with a slightly upturned nose, full lips, large purple eyes and long lashes.

Identifying Characteristics

Fiona has a chain tattoo with sparks of purple electricity that rings her neck. Given to her by the woman who owned the club she used to dance at as a symbol of "Loyalty". Originally a complete ring of chain, Fiona had it modified after she left the club, and it now has several broken links.

Physical quirks

Due to the constant mild electrical field Fiona's powers emit, her hair always stands up straight, leading to her near religious habit of cleaning and gelling it everyday into her trademark spikes.

Special abilities

Fiona has what she likes to refer to as the "Lightning Force", a power that not only gifts her the ability to move at speeds to rival the legendary Transonic himself, but also gives her several electrical powers and effects.

Apparel & Accessories

In her everyday life Fiona likes to wear deep pink or purple jeans with a dark red blouse or t-shirt whilst preferring to keep bare foot.   As Thunderstride, Fiona was inspired by Transonic's hero outfit and likewise also wears specially redesigned motorcycle leathers, however where Transonic's suit is black and yellow with a matching black helmet, Fiona's own is a royal purple with black highlights and she goes without a helmet, able to tune her electric field to repel any airborne debris that might cause injury. However it is not powerful enough to effect objects over a certain mass or travelling under power, such as vehicles in the former instance and bullets in the latter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fiona Belmont began life as Jason Sinclaire, the son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Sinclaire. Her father was a well accomplished and ambitious lawyer, her mother remains a noted politician who'd made her career on pursuing stricter laws for superhumans. She grew up wanting for almost nothing except love and attention by her parents, whose careers kept them away most days, and her in the care of the family nanny.   Jane Treivale was a very attentive nanny, aware of the effect of the abesence of Jason's parents, she tried her best to distract the young child with trips out to parks, playgrounds and even theatres. It was at one of these theatres, the Bathala Royal Theatre, that Jason witnessed dancing for the first time at the age of six and fell in love with the art. From then on, Jason would watch as many dance performances as they could convince Jane to take them to and, after some begging, convinced their parents to let them attend amateur dance classes.   They also began, around the age of seven, to begin to contemplate who they were, having never liked being called he or him or being referred to as a boy in any way, though they couldn't have said why at the time. Always asking the other children they interacted with at school to use they and them when referring to them. After a while though, they began to feel distinctly feminine, enjoying the more effeminate clothes worn during their ballet dances, one of several forms they'd insisted on trying, despite their father's harsh criticism of it, calling it a "girly passtime". They had ignored it at the time, enjoying themselves too much to care, when the phrasing had struck them, 'girly', and realised they actually felt comfortable with the description.   They soon became she, and she found that she did indeed enjoy more girly interests, such as women's fashions. She would wear skirts and girls shoes, let her hair grow long and style it, all under the supervision of Jane, who whilst a little confused, didn't question it, instead letting Jason explore as an individual.   These things became secretive however, when her father caught her in one of her favourite dresses and struck her, berating her and forcing her to change before taking the clothes and all her others and burning them, forbidding her to wear anything of the like again and then forced her to drop out of ballet, though she managed to keep her other lessons on the threat of running away.   Jane nearly lost her position after the incident, only able to keep it after she revealed that she had been recording the entire incident and threating to take it to the police and child protection services if she was let go. With evidence so concrete not even a lawyer of his calibre would be able to defend against it, he begrudgingly allowed her to stay on, though the atmosphere in the Sinclair estate became exceedingly uncomfortable for the young woman, only able to endure it for the sake of the young child she had grown to love so deeply.   The trauma and rejection caused by this event, triggered the explosive release of the 'Lightning Force' as it would later be dubbed, and it was because of this that Fiona had made her threat to run away a serious one. She ran non-stop from Bathala City to a remote beach in southern France and stayed there all day, only resolving to return home after calming down and having schemed to blackmail her father for her beloved dance lessons.   From then on, relations between father and child were icy at best, with Fiona rebelling against her father's hopes and wishes for her at every opportunity, later culminating in her going behind her father's back to apply to the Bathala University of Performing Arts, to learn dancing and acting as a dedicated career, using the money her father had intended for her to join law school.   Her relationship with her mother up to this point had been agreeable, though she at this time had never discovered Fiona's pull towards the feminine as her father had previously kept the incident from his wife, unwilling to embarrass himself with the information that their 'son' was queer, or that he had been successfully blackmailed by their nanny.   The relationship deteriorated however, when Fiona learned of her mother's anti-superhuman views, which lead to an argument between the two that quickly became heated and during which several harsh things were said. Forced her to hide not only her true self but also her powers, Fiona had grown to secretly despise her parents, with Jane becoming the only person she felt she could truly rely upon.   Jane, for her part, had managed to stay on as a maid after Fiona had come of school age, and become more self-reliant. Though not without having to rely upon a little further blackmail to attain the position as Mr Sinclair had smugly entered her room one day to announce that her position as nanny was no longer required, for as it had turned out, the esteemed family man had had a number of trysts with the other maids on staff over the years. The first of which Jane had discovered by accident, and from then on, kept an eye out for, along with subtle documentation and photographic evidence of.   After reaching her 18th birthday, Fiona began using the monthly allowance she was given to undergo trasition surgery. The process was gradual, starting with changes more easily hidden during her time at home, before advancing to breast augmentation and facial feminization surgery. She first attempted vocal training to achieve the desired voice, but settled for surgery after being left unsatisfied by the results of the training alone. During her recovery she began planning how to tell her parents about her transition and had opted to finish her schooling before telling them, fully aware from previous experience how badly it could end. After her surgery, continuing with her plan, she finished her time at the university and passed with honours, racing home to show off her achievements, and her new self.   To say it went badly, would be a gross understatement. For unbeknownst to Fiona at the time, her father had recently been blackmailed by a figure known as the Spider, after being accosted by a pair of Railyard residents who had taken advantage  of his lascivious habits.   As such, upon the revelation of her change to a performing arts university and her gender change, Jonathan Sinclair flew into a rage that truly terrified her. He lashed out so suddenly and unexpectantly that he managed to successfully hit her despite her speed and by reflex, one of her other powers kicked in. The blow sent her sprawling, but simultaneously, her father was electrocuted so severely that he had to be hospitalized.   Still dazed from the blow, she was dragged from the estate by police, who had been called by her mother sometime during the confrontation with her father. In the time that followed, she found herself locked up and awaiting trial, as her parents brought several charges against her. Assault, kidnapping and blackmail at first, as the parents tried to paint her as having tried to swap places with their son Jason, this was thrown out after Jane stepped in, having been aware of Fiona's transitioning the entire time, as a witness to confirm that she and Jason were in fact one and the same, providing evidence of her transition. After that had failed, her parents tried to sue her for the money she had used to attend the university, under the pretense that the money had been deliberately set aside for law school and nothing else.   This had taken longer to sort out, but as there was no written agreement to the use of the funds and as it had been given to her to use during applications, the case was also thrown out. From here, having gotten over her shock and disbelief, having known it would likely go badly, but not nearly this badly, Fiona found herself filled with anger and countersued her parents for physical and emotional trauma, which saw some limited success.   It was shortly after this that Jane, having quickly lost any interest in continuing to serve the Sinclairs, left and released all her evidence of Mr Sinclair's affairs and doings. Over the months long process, Fiona went through hell but came out with some small financial compensation and the Sinclairs were ruined reputationally.   Jonathan Sinclair, who had at the time been campaigning for mayor of the city, was quickly dropped by his political campaigners, his law firm let him go and his wife swiftly divorced him, them both having signed a prenup before their marriage that held a vicious infidelity clause.   Elizabeth Sinclair would continue as a politician, painting herself as the victim of her ex-husband's vile manipulation and controlling nature. Fiona and Jane on the other hand, would end up parting for the most part, as Fiona didn't want the one person who she truly cared for to suffer any further because of her or her "donors". Though Jane had tried to object at the time, Fiona wouldn't hear of it. She gave Jane half the money she'd been awarded and then disappeared from the public eye, but not before legally changing her name, both first AND last, from Jason Sinclair, to Fiona Belmont, the latter name being a nod to her favourite TV show on Netflix.   Fiona would try to start her career as a dancer but, due to the media fallout of the cases with her donors, she was forced to find other means to get by after the money dried up. After all, the one major disadvantage she had failed to prepare for up to this point, was the possibility of being financially cut off from her previously limitless money supply.   She found herself drifting from place to place around the city trying to find work, and often being harassed, forcing her to move on with alacrity. She eventually found herself homeless, and wandering through a town outside of Bathala known as Brackenborough, no longer caring where she went. Here she found her way to a club called the Dancing Rose whilst trying to find a place to sleep for the night.   The club's owner, a woman by the name of Valerie McDoogle, offered shelter and work after seeing how pretty Fiona was, a fact that had been a mixed blessing during her time on the streets, as it had made begging for help easier, but also attracted very unwanted attention. Fiona wasn't thrilled about her new position to start with, but was able to quickly adjust, and almost as quickly, became a client favourite for both her beauty and her talents as a dancer.   She was showered with fine things by her new employer, who was all too eager to keep her new best employee under her thumb, and slowly began to worm her way into Fiona's head, using a mixture of gifts, affection and manipulation to force Fiona into staying with her for a number of years, even having Fiona tattooed with what became a trademark of the club's working girls.   During this time in her life, Fiona had believed herself to be content, even having made friends with one of the other dancing girls who'd joined the club under similar circumstances, called Milly. She also started an act with a small troupe consisting of herself, Milly and two other girls called Harley and Lily. This particular act would make the Dancing Rose a must see venue for miles around and would even catch the attention of a talent scout who, though initially dubious of a strip club act's quality, was greatly impressed by the talent on display. However, it also caught the attention of a gang leader from Bathala, who'd taken an unhealthy interest in Milly.   One night, after finishing up and beginning to head home, Fiona heard a scuffle outside the rear entrance of the club, followed by a muffled scream. Recognizing the voice, she rushed outside to see one of the bouncers either out cold or possibly dead, she couldn't tell, but was certain that much blood on the ground was a bad sign. Looking up she saw Milly being forced into a blacked-out range rover and made to move forward before being forced to take cover as one of the men taking Milly raised and fired a handgun at her.   Heart pounding with fear and unsure what to do, she looked out from her cover to see Milly's tear streaked face disappear into the vehicle and watch it speed away. For a moment, she thought about running away, finding help, but she knew it would come too late. She thought back to her powers, not just those of speed, but her electrical ability. In the years since her sperm donor had struck her, she'd practiced using it and had developed a few tricks in case she'd needed to protect herself. Instead, she realised she could use it to protect someone else. Mind made up, fists clenching in resolution, she began to walk forward, then jog, then sprint, and then she ran.   The world rushed past her as she let loose like never before, she'd loved to run since she first gained her powers, but she'd never fully cut loose, now she did, and though it took a little time to track down, once she had it in her sights, the rover couldn't escape. She felt the electrical power inside her pulse and thrum in response to her need for a weapon before forming into a short spear. Locking the car in her sights, she pulled her arm back and launched the lightning spear like a javelin, the air cracking like thunder and it shot towards the vehicle, punching through its undercarriage and tearing apart vital components in a spectacular display of destruction that sent the car spinning and a flash of panic through Fiona, fear of having hurt Milly causing her stomach to lurch painfully.   Darting forward, she wrenched open one of the rear doors, punching a goon who'd made the mistake of looking up, if dazedly, before hoisting Milly out, who thankfully, seemed to have been largely cushioned by the men who'd been holding her down. The police were called, though not before Fiona had taken Milly to the nearest hospital to get checked out, and the men arrested. Fiona didn't know how to feel, terrified for Milly, elated at having saved her or angry that it had happened at all, likely all three. To her surprise however, she also felt exhilarated. The rush of saving someone and having done what she saw as serious good, still coursing through her system.   From then on, using a set of biker leathers she'd found at a charity shop, she would spend her days zipping about Bathala and its surrounding areas, doing her best to help people in need and stop any criminal activity she came across. Her nights were still spent working at the club however, and as time went on, the dual life she was living was beginning to catch up with her, and her fatigue was starting to affect her performances on stage.   One particularly bad night saw her collapse on stage, having to be carried off by her co-dancers. Milly, who'd since recovered from her ordeal no worse for wear, hovering over her with deep concern, whilst Valerie on the other hand, was fuming. The displeased owner made it clear that the barely cognizant Fiona was on thin ice, and if this kept up, she'd either be back to working the club floor for the pleasure of its older and well paying clientele, or she'd be back on the streets, Fiona having been living in an apartment also owned by Madam McDoogle.   Unbeknownst to the fuming club owner, Fiona had learned from her earlier financial mistakes, and had been saving every penny she could to get away from the club. What was more, she'd already been approached by an Agent Declan, who it had turned out, scouted more than dancing talent, he was also a headhunter for The Century Group, who made it a point to keep an eye out for superhumans operating freelance in the area.   He had offered Ms Belmont a choice to work for Century or for the Bathala Theatre and Dance Troupe, of whom the director and owner was a personal friend, and she had leapt at the chance, saying she wanted to work for the troupe, but also assist Century from time to time on a contracted basis. She insisted however that Milly be allowed to join her with the troupe, unwilling to leave her under Valerie's thumb. He quickly agreed, having already brought both girls to his friend's attention, and they had expressed eager interest in both dancers.   After she recovered from her fatigue that night, she told Milly what she'd been offered and had arranged for them both, unwilling to tolerate the treatment offered by Valerie, whose ruthless, sociopathic tendencies had become all too well known, a fact that had helped Fiona to slowly see past the manipulations of the older woman and build the confidence she needed to forge ahead to a new future. Milly was uncertain at first, having grown to fear their employer, but with some gentle nudging and promises of protection and freedom, the young girl agreed to take the plunge with her best friend.   The going was hard for Fiona, having spent years at this point with the club, so it was a shock to the system to be performing and working somewhere that treated her as a human being, and not a commodity. She and Milly both took some time to adjust, but both did well after some time and gentle coaching by their new employer, a man by the name of Mason Armstrong. He helped rekindle the girls' sense of self-respect and confidence, though both still had lingering fears of Valerie coming after them for daring to leave.   During this period, Fiona found a cave system during one of her morning runs several miles outside Bathala. Though choosing not to delve too deeply on her first visit, Fiona would return from time to time and explore, discovering that the subterranean space was a large complex of connected caves.   Before its discovery, Fiona was renting a cheap flat near the theatre. But as she delved through the cave system, Fiona realized that she liked the idea of turning the space into her new home. It was dry, spacious and with a bit of effort, could be rennovated into a proper living space, complete with garden, as one of the chambers had an open ceiling that allowed sunlight to spill in freely. This would become a project that would consume most of her free income but, after a couple years, her new home, dubbed the Caves of Solitude, was completed.   Now, Fiona runs through the streets of Bathala by day, bringing aid and protection to those who need it, whilst by night bringing wonder and joy to innumerable audiences.

Gender Identity

Transgender Woman




Fiona was educted at the finest private school money could buy in her early pre-transition years. She was later heavily encouraged by her father to join law school and become a solicitor like himself. She instead opted to study dancing and performing arts.


After she was disowned by her family, Fiona spent several years working in the Dancing Rose strip club. Though not proud of how she put her dancing talents to use, she isn't ashamed of her time there either, having eventually moved to join a professional dance troupe after she was recommended by a talent scout who had heard of the shows she'd organised at the club. She would eventually be approached by The Century Group after her abilities as a superhuman were discovered and now splits her time between her troupe and Century.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fiona possesses an above average IQ and an eidetic memory.

Morality & Philosophy

Fiona is a staunch believer in compassion and charity, feeling that it is the moral duty of those with power, regardless of the form it takes, to help those in need however they can.

Personality Characteristics


Fiona saw a great deal of suffering during her time beneath the poverty line, but also saw a great deal of compassion as those about her tried their best to help and protect each other. Inspired by the community she found herself in, Fiona wants to help as many people as she can, no matter their social status, financial situation or background.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Dancing, cooking, video games, animals, alcohol and castlevania.   Dislikes: Shoes, lawyers, Jewelry and arseholes.

Vices & Personality flaws

Flight not Fight: Given her great speed, Fiona has always run when the world became too much. Once, a traumatic event with her father caused her to run all the way to southern France, with her only able to regain her courage after a full day spent sat on the beach she'd stopped at. Over the years, Fiona has had to force herself to face her problems and even to this day, her first instinct when times are tough, is to try and outrun her troubles.   Boozy: Fiona has enjoyed drinking for recreation since she was old enough to drink, a fact that quickly became a problem when she discovered the phrase 'Liquid Courage', and found it helped to stiffen her spine when she was afraid or anxious, however one incident with a patron at the Dancing Rose, saw her nearly kill a man when her inebriation caused her to lose control of her electrical powers and stop his heart when he tried to became more handsy. Ever since, Fiona has tried to cut back on her intake, especially during important moments, however a lingering addiction has meant that she is unable to give it up entirely and continues to drink socially, albiet under supervision of trusted friends and confidants.

Personality Quirks

Often suffering from fits of nervous energy when stood still for too long, Fiona will often drum her fingers.


Fiona likes to keep herself clean and presentable at the best of times, however when it comes to her hair and feet, she cleans them religiously each morning and evening.


Contacts & Relations

Milly - Best friend and co-dancer with the Bathala Theatre and Dance Troupe. Fiona and Milly's friendship dates back to their strip dancing days at the Dancing Rose, where both girls were freely exploited by the club's owner, and thus had already grown fairly close under this shared problem. The friendship was cemented however, when Fiona saved Milly from a gang leader who'd tried to kidnap her to become his personal pleasure girl.   Jane - Nanny turned substitute mother. Jane is the only person who loved Fiona unconditionally growing up, and as a result Fiona holds her in the highest regard, seeing her as her true mother. Despite this, the two parted ways some years ago after the legal troubles involving her birth parents, as Fiona didn't want to burden the only person she cared about at the time with the issues following her. Since escaping the Dancing Rose and becoming a superhero, Fiona has been trying to track down Jane to reconnect, though she has had little success of late.

Family Ties

Fiona has several surviving blood relations but none she considers to be family anymore. After being ostracized from her birth family for being both superhuman and transgender, Fiona has yet to find a new family to call her own.

Religious Views

Fiona is neither particularly religious or spiritual, though has dabbled in the occasional neo-pagan festival out of idle curiosity and even been to a few witch conventions.

Social Aptitude

Fiona is a extroverted person who greatly enjoys social gatherings and events. She has rubbed elbows with people of most walks of life, from her time as a rich kid, to her university days and even her time on the streets. Leading her to appreciate the value of social skills.

Hobbies & Pets

Fiona has several hobbies and interests, including gardening, video games and is an avid castlevania fan. Her greatest passion by far however, is dance. Having been a keen student since her early years, she even makes her living on it part time and continues to practice various forms in her spare time, including riverdance, foxtrot, salsa, quickstep, paso doble, waltz and ballet.


Fiona often speaks slowly and deliberately, often trying to convey her thoughts in as few words as possible. This is for two reasons, the first of which being that she originally was in the habit of speaking far too quickly for most people to understand what she was saying, whilst the second is due to the training she received during her time as a stripper, as she was taught that speaking slowly was more sensual and seductive and would raise her popularity with the clientele.

Wealth & Financial state

Though originally from a wealthy family, Fiona lost most of her possessions and finances when she was outcast by her father. After struggling for several years, she now lives a modest lifestyle on the earnings of a professional dancer, whilst having it supplimented by the occasional payment from her part time occupation as a Century agent.
Current Location
View Character Profile
Law Abiding Lunatic
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lavender Sparkle, Dancing Queen, Purple Racer, Tazer Beauty, That Bitch, The Freak
Date of Birth
1st of December, 1995
Current Residence
Caves of Solitude
Trans Woman
Spiky Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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